Hi, NewsWrap for April 21, 2023

21-April-2023: Crop-Specific SOPs, Narendra Singh Tomar, 2nd G20 HWG Meeting, AIM, NITI Aayog & UNCDF, Labour Shortage and Unexpected Wheat Arrival

21 April 2023

  • Crop-Specific SOPs Released for Effective Pesticide Use with Farming Drones

    Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar made public Crop Specific "Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Application of Pesticides with Drones" for farmers and other stakeholders to use. In addition, Tomar published a brochure titled "Machinery for Millets Production, Processing, and Value Addition." On this occasion, he stated that agriculture is our priority, thus whether it is research or introducing initiatives, the government's first objective is to develop agriculture and improve farmers' financial situation.


  • In addition, Tomar published a brochure titled "Machinery for Millets Production, Processing, and Value Addition." On this occasion, he stated that agriculture is our priority, thus whether it is research or introducing initiatives, the government's first objective is to develop agriculture and improve farmers' financial situation.

    The Union Health Ministry, in conjunction with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, has requested that states/UTs create 100 food streets in 100 districts across the country. This effort is being implemented as a pilot project to serve as a model for other such streets to be established across the country to ensure clean and safe food practices. The goal of this initiative is to promote safe and healthy food practices among food enterprises and community members, resulting in fewer foodborne illnesses and better overall health outcomes.



  • Parshottam Rupala Addresses Side Event on Climate Change & Health at 2nd G20 HWG Meeting

    Parshottam Rupala, Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying, gave the opening statement at a side event of the 2nd G20 Health Working Group Meeting titled "Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change and Health: One Earth, One Family, One Future." The Asian Development Bank and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare co-organized the event with the goal of aligning the health sector's development with the Paris Agreement goals and building climate-neutral and resilient health systems under the One Health approach, which recognizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. Amitabh Kant, India's G20 Sherpa, was also present.


  • AIM, NITI Aayog & UNCDF Join Forces to Propel India's Agri-tech Dominance and Share Innovations with Developing Economies

    The Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog, and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) together unveiled a whitepaper today aiming at making India a global leader in Agri-Tech innovation and spreading these breakthroughs to Asia and Africa's least developed countries. The whitepaper, rigorously compiled by AIM, NITI Aayog, and UNCDF specialists, provides actionable ways to overcome hurdles faced by Agri-Tech start-ups and assist their growth at the national and international levels. The whitepaper provides the key findings and solutions needed to address agriculture sector difficulties and promote sustainable practices that benefit smallholder farmers in developing nations.


  • Labour Shortage and Unexpected Wheat Arrival Causes Procurement Delays in India

    The procurement agencies officials said there was an insufficiency of labour for the loading and unloading of wheat bags in the trucks to ferry the inventory to the godowns. Besides, the officials maintained that the unexpected arrival of the wheat stock from April 10 in the markets had left procurement agencies with little time to prepare for the loading and unloading of the stock in the godowns of the Food Corporation of India (FCI).


On the news

21 April 2023

That's it for for 21 April 2023