Agriculture is the backbone of Gujarat. AGRISCIENCE KRISHI is an informative mobile application for Gujarat farmers.

Agriculture is the backbone of Gujarat. AGRISCIENCE KRISHI is an informative mobile application for Gujarat farmers. It provides information about weather, crops, market prices and other related information. The app is created with the objective to provide current and accurate information to the farmers of Gujarat.

It provides information on all agricultural topics in Gujarati language. Farmers can use our app to get updated with latest news about agriculture, weather, and market trends. With our app, you can also stay up to date on everything that's happening in agriculture.

This app also talks about the success stories of farmers in India. These stories are inspirational and show that there is hope for the future of farming in India. Farmers can use our app to watch detailed and informative videos about agriculture. It is a great way of learning and also gets tips on how to grow crops. Watching these videos will help farmers make better decisions as they run their farms.









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