Organic Farming: There was a time when experts and scientists insisted on the use of chemicals to meet the food requirements of the growing population in India. But, now they are advising farmers to use fewer chemicals. Agri scientists are saying that chemicals should be the last option for farmers as too much of chemicals make the cro toxic, which can further lead to diseases like cancer.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Samastipur, Associate Director Research Dr. SK Singh told the media that organic compost and green manure should be used in farming. This reduces the cost of cultivation and increases income. Moreover, organic manure can be easily prepared at home.
He also said that emphasis must be given on techniques like crop rotation and multi-cropping.
What is Zero Budget Natural Farming?
Zero budget natural farming (ZBNF) is basically a type of farming that promotes chemical-free agricultural practices. In zero-budget natural farming, indigenous cow dung and cow urine etc. are used for crop growth. This type of farming is encouraged to promote organic pest control, mixed cropping etc.
This allows the use of natural substances while restricting or strictly limiting synthetic substances. For example, natural insecticides such as pyrethrin, and rotenone can be used. Meanwhile, synthetic substances that are allowed include copper sulfate, elemental sulfur, and vermectin.
To popularize organic farming, it is necessary that farmers rear more animals and compost/ manure should be made from kitchen waste or cow dung.
Green manure should be prepared at the right time and the use of chemicals should be avoided for the management of diseases and pests.
Emphasis should be laid on the management of diseases and pests through biological ways.
Clean farming should be promoted.
DR Singh, at last, said that farmers will definitely get good and improved income if they adopt organic farming or natural farming. For this, they can approach their nearby Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) or agriculture department office.