In an irrigated condition, late sowing of wheat should be finished before the first week of December. The seed rate for timely sowing under irrigated conditions is 100 kg per hectare. The proper seed rate of wheat is 125 kg per hectare for late sowing.
The first fortnight of November is considered the best time for sowing wheat in Northwest India. The right time for sowing irrigated wheat in North Eastern regions & Central India is in mid-November. Seeds should be clean, healthy & free from weeds. If you are using last year's seed, then treat it with Bavistin or Thiram drug at 2.5 grams per kg of seed.
For good wheat yield, Sow Before November 20
Director of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Dr. AK Singh, in a conversation with farmers, tells that they should do sowing before November 20 for good yield. Delay in sowing affects the yield. Dr. Singh says that on late sowing, wheat grains lose weight because hot winds start blowing at that time. He says that by sowing on time, wheat plants are able to make good use of the quantity given in the ground.
Here dosage means fertilizer & water. At the same time, if the climate is cold after sowing, then the division is good. Therefore, it is very important to sow on time.
Improved Varieties of Wheat
Agricultural scientist Dr. AK Singh says that farmers should choose only improved varieties of wheat for sowing.
As it has two benefits. One, the yield will be good & Secondly, if they are disease resistant, then the cost of spraying the drug is also saved.
Use Improved Varieties of Wheat Include DBW-222 or Karan Narendra
Farmers can get more than 61 quintals of yield in one hectare, with this variety.
It gets ready in 143 days.
Apart from this, farmers can also choose Bhai DBW-187 NWPZ, DBW-187 NEPZ, DBW-252 & DBW 47 varieties.
All these varieties belong to different regions & periods.
Also, there is a new method of Wheat Cultivation called Sri Method, which guarantees High Yield and Good Profit