The Governor of the Federal District, Ibanez Rocha has received the official invitation to participate in ExpoZebu 2019 from the president of ABCZ, Arnaldo Manuel de Souza Machado Borges. The meeting on Thursday was held at the government's headquarters.
The meeting was attended by the directors of ABCZ Ana Cláudia Mendes Souza and Gil Pereira, Marcelo Ricardo de Toledo; technical superintendent of the Association of Breeders of Zebu do Planalto (Aczp) and president of the Technical Deliberative Council of ABCZ; Evandro do Carmo Guimarães, Counselor of ABCZ; besides the consultants Marco Montenegro and Wilson Pereira.
According to the calendar of ExpoZebu 2019, the Fernando Costa Park began receiving from 15th April the animals that will participate in the fair. These are those that come from properties that are more than 700 kilometres away from Uberaba.
Among the first to land on the site are 13 Guzerá animals. The group is from the company Mate Larangeira, from Ponta Porã (MS). "We left there around 6 o'clock yesterday and arrived at 9 o'clock today. It is a 1,200-kilometer route and arriving earlier is important for the cattle to regain the weight they lost during the trip, "says Marcos Antônio Silva, caretaker.
Throughout the morning other animals landed on the spot, including some matrices that will participate in the Milk Competition. Already for that zebu that comes from properties closer to Uberaba, the entry period begins next Monday (22) and continues through the week, until the 25th April.
The animals already begin to arrive at the Parque Fernando Costa, the registration deadline continues. The creators interested in participating in ExpoZebu 2019 have until Friday 19th April to carry out the process.
The expectation is that in this edition more than two thousand animals will pass through the Fernando Costa Park, between trials, exhibition and milk contest.