Every year on June 7th, the world celebrates World Food Safety Day. It's a day dedicated to making the world a better and healthier place. This special day is dedicated to one of life's most fundamental necessities: food. Those who observe this day feel that eating safe, hygienic food is essential.
"Safer food, better health" is the topic for World Food Safety Day this year. The day is dedicated to taking action to prevent, diagnose, and control foodborne hazards in order to enhance human health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In 2018, the United Nations General Assembly established World Food Safety Day to ensure that everyone has access to safe food.
Here are some greetings and quotes to share with your loved ones for World Food Safety Day 2022:
Messages/Greetings for World Food Safety Day
Always try to eat meals from places that are clean and maintain good standards of cleanliness. Everyone, have a wonderful World Food Safety Day!
Let us commit on World Food Safety Day that we would never waste food and will instead seek out ways to feed the hungry as required.
It is essential to be informed of the safety of our food in order to be safe and healthy. On this World Food Safety Day, greetings!
It's always ideal for our health to be a bit more cautious about what we consume. Happy Food Safety Day!
We hear about food contamination and adulteration and then forget about it. So, be mindful of your surroundings and celebrate World Food Safety Day!
Drinking and eating only from locations that proclaim to be clean will always keep you secure. Happy World Food Safety Day, everyone!
The greatest approach to save money is to keep an eye on food waste. To everybody, a happy World Food Safety Day.
Quotes on World Food Safety Day
Food safety involves everybody in the food chain - Mike Johanns (American attorney and politician)
There are those in the world who are so hungry that they can only see God in the shape of bread — Mahatma Gandhi (Freedom fighter, politician, and social activist)
In the long run, we may discover that packaged food is a more lethal weapon than the machine gun. - Orwell, George (English novelist, essayist, and critic)
Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine is your food - Hippocrates (Greek physician)
Without an adequate food supply, civilization as we know it now could not have grown or survived - Norman Borlaug (American agronomist).
I am a better person when I have less on my plate – Elizabeth Gilbert
“Sorry, there´s no magic bullet. You got to eat healthily and live healthy to be healthy and look healthy. End of story.” -Morgan Spurlock
Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. – Anthelme Brillat-Savarin