Common name- Cowpea/ Lobia
Botanic name- Vigna Sinensis
Family- Leguminosae
Cowpea is a Kharif season crop.
It is a Pod type of fruit.
Its place of origin is Africa. The production of cowpea is also highest in Africa.
We use cowpea not only in the form of food but also in form of fodder (Chara).
Uttar Pradesh is leading state in production of cowpea in India.
Cowpea is a self pollinating crop.
Its pods are eaten as vegetable.
Cowpea is important for its protein rich grain (23%).
It contains 60.3% of carbohydrate.
Fat is also found in 1.8 %.
Cowpea is a warm weather crop and this is the reason that it can survive in drought conditions also.
Optimum temperature for germination is 12 to 15°C.
Cowpea flourishes easily between the temperature of 25-35°C.
On other hand Cowpea cannot survive in the cold climate.
Month for planting summer season crop is February and March.
Month for planting rainy season crop is June and July.

Cowpea requires sandy loamy soil with good water drainage capacity.
PH between 4.5-8.0 is needed for the cultivation of cowpea.
Fertilizers and Manure:
Quantity of FYM - 10-15t/ha
Quantity of Nitrogen - 20kg/ha
Quantity of phosphorus - 40-50kg/ha
Seed Rates:
Purpose of cultivating cowpea can be different and according to that there are different rates of seeds:
To use it as grain, the price of seeds are 15-20kg/ha.
If we are using it as fodder crop then the price would be 35-40kg/ha.
To use it as green pod, then the price would be 20-25kg/ha.
Plant Spacing:
Space required in summer season is 30×10cm.
Space required for rainy season is 45×10cm.
CO1: Duration of this variety is 135 days. It is suitable for rainfed condition. This is long duration type of crop.
CO2: Duration of this variety is 90 days. It comes under vegetable type of crop.
Paiyur 1: Duration of this variety is 90 days. It is suitable for rainfed tracts.
Vamban 2: Duration of this variety is 75 to 85 days. It is vegetable type of crop and suitable for all season.

Cowpea requires around 3 to 4 irrigations.
Soil and climate are major factors but generally 300-400mm water is required for the cultivation of cowpea.
On other hand, in season of summer more irrigation (4-5 irrigations) is required because of high temperature and low humidity.
Harvesting time of cowpea as vegetable is 45 to 90 days after sowing.
On the other hand harvesting time of cowpea as grain is 90 to 125 days after sowing.
Before storage, threshed crop must be dried in the heat of sun.
Normally cutting of the crop should be done in 40 to 45 days after sowing the seeds.