Coalesce Research Group is organizing a two-day Webinar on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change from March 29-39, 2021. The theme of this webinar would be Emerging issues on climate change & environmental sustainability, covering a wide extent of critically vital sessions of Environmental Science and Climate Change equally.
Environmental Science section will cover all the major and minor topics which help in finding solutions for environmental problems (Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Soil Pollution, Noise Pollution, Thermal Pollution, Radioactive Pollution and Light Pollution) and Global Warming. It will also cover the technology section which plays an important role to maintain a sustainable development for Future Technology, Renewable Energy like Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Wave Energy, Geothermal Power and more.
Aim of the Conference:
This conference deals with the scientific concepts that underpin modern biotechnologies and how innovations can be exploited for the development of products and processes such as bio-fuels, novel bioactive compounds and waste conversion technologies. Also exploring the bioethical, socio-economic and regulatory aspects of environmental sustainability and the role of biotechnologies in environmental protection.
Targeted Audience:
Geologists and Geo Scientists
Marine Biologists
Chemical and Biological Engineers
Environmental Engineers
Researchers and Innovators
Academic Faculty and Students
Training Institutes
Associations, Societies and Professional Bodies
Environmental and Climate Change Policy Analysts
Non-Governmental Organizations
Business Entrepreneurs
For other details, please contact:
Event Name: 2nd International Webinar on Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change
Date: March 29-30, 2021
Coalesce Research Group
Mobile: +1-718-543-9362
Email: [email protected]
Registration Link: