Madhya Pradesh is one of the important states where agriculture predominates, with approximately 80% of the population relying on agriculture and animal husbandry for their livelihood. AKS University, located in Satna, Madhya Pradesh, is a leading institution with a separate Faculty of Agriculture Science and Technology dedicated to providing education, conducting research, and extending agricultural practices.
The university offers various programs including B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture (ICAR Accredited), M.Sc. Agriculture, B.Tech. Agriculture Engineering, Food Technology, and Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Agribusiness Management.
The Faculty of Agricultural Science and Technology at AKS University boasts a team of qualified instructors from diverse agricultural disciplines. The faculty offers degrees such as B.Sc. (Ag) Hons. (ICAR Accredited), M.Sc. (Ag), Ph.D., B.Tech. (Agril Engg.), and combined B.Tech. (Agril Engg.) + MBA, catering to a total of 640 students who are shaping their careers in agriculture and technology.
The Faculty of Agril Science & Technology is equipped with well-appointed laboratories for conducting practical courses at both the graduate and postgraduate levels. Additionally, the faculty maintains a 50-acre experimental field encompassing disciplines such as agronomy, horticulture, animal husbandry, medicinal and aromatic crops, soil science, genetics, and plant breeding.
Salient Features of Krishi Vigyan Mela 2024
Large agro and rural-based exhibition
Vegetable Expo & Competition
Flower Expo & Competition
Fruit Expo & Competition
Animal Expo & Competition
Food Expo & Competition
Special Lectures on Agriculture Farm Power & Machinery Expo
Agri-Business Meet on growth in Agriculture in MP
Pesticides & Agro - Chemicals Expo
Organic manure & Biofertilizer Expo
Participation of a large number of progressive farmers
Sale of quality seeds and planting materials
Kisan Gosthi
Farmers knowledge competition
Exposure to unemployed agricultural graduates for job opportunities
National Conference
Benefits of Krishi Vigyan Mela - 2024
Exposure to agri-input products, technologies, farming practices, marketing, and post-harvest management.
Opportunity to purchase the best seeds, implements, and other agricultural inputs.
Knowledge enhancement and financial tie-ups.
Promotion of the use of environmentally friendly bio-fertilizers, minimizing pesticide usage to control environmental pollution through the adoption of integrated pest management.
Assistance in creating awareness among farmers about various schemes available through government departments and other financial institutions.
Motivation of farmers to diversify from traditional to integrated farming practices.
Awareness about high-yielding and improved varieties of horticultural crops, organic manure, and bio-fertilizers.
Cultural programs and the benefits of the Krishi Vigyan Mela.
Soil testing facilities.
Create Better awareness about business opportunities
Opportunity to negotiate business deals and linkages in agribusiness and rural development
For Stall Booking and Other Details, Please Contact:
Event Name: Agri Tech Madhya Pradesh 2024
Website: https://krishijagran.com/
Date: 20-22 February 2024
AKS University, Satna
Mobile: 7987850497, 9669807926
Email: agritechmp2024@aksuniversity.com