In India, where agriculture has traditionally been the main source of food, nutrition, and economic security for the population, there has been a paradigm shift in the rural population's employment from agriculture to non-agricultural, urban-focused activities in recent years.
Exhibitor’s Profile
Automatic Chaff Cutter
Cold Storage & Cold Chains
Dairy Technology, Machinery & Equipments
Livestock Technology, Machinery & Equipment
Organic Seeds
Oil & Grease
Poultry (Organic, Seeds, Automated Feeding System, Machinery etc.)
Post Harvest Products, Machinery, Equipment & Tools
Software & Hardware
Seeds, Nurseries & Plant Propagation Materials
Soil Condioners
Solar Systems, Drawers, Batteries, Lights
Veterinary Products
For Other Details, Please Contact:
Event Name: Krushi Odisha
Website: https://krishijagran.com/
Date: 16-20 February, 2023
Krishi Jagran
Address: Metro Station Green Park, 60/9,
Yusuf Sarai Market, New Delhi, Delhi 110016, India
Mobile: 91 8076942046, 9818893548, 9818893752
Email: info@krishijagran.com