Indian Seed Congress 2020(ISC), the biggest annual flagship event of NSAI (National Seed Association of India) will start from 15th and continue till 17th February at JW Marriot, Aerocity in New Delhi. The biggest seed congress of South East Asia is aimed to bring together industry, scientists, Agro-specialist and government officials from across the globe. The registration process and link are still open on the official site of the Indian Seed Congress 2020. Click here to register.
Moreover, there will be a technical session and discussion on the subject of “Progress in innovation for harnessing Genetic Gains for Plant variety improvement” on 16th February which will be chaired by Dr Kuldeep Singh, Director, and National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR).
Here is the list of the topic and the respective speakers who will be joining and discussing on the topic

Technical session-1 02:00- 04:15 PM Progress in innovation for harnessing Genetic Gains for Plant variety improvement |
Chair: Dr Kuldeep Singh, Director, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) |
SNo |
Topic |
Proposed speaker |
Time |
1 |
Best practices for aligning breeding and molecular approaches to realize genetic gains for climate resilience- Case studies” |
Dr B. Maruti Prasanna, Director, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) |
02:00 - 02:30 PM |
2 |
Mutation breeding for introgression of Herbicide tolerance trait in Rice |
Dr A K Singh, Director and Head Genetics-IARI |
02:30 – 03:00 PM |
3 |
Molecular approaches to Crop nutritional improvement |
Dr Tanushri Kaul, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), New Delhi |
03:00 – 03:30 PM |
4 |
Genomics assisted breeding for developing stress tolerance for crop improvement |
Dr Ch. Bharadwaj, Principal Scientist, Division of Genetics, IARI |
03:30 – 04:00 PM |
Open discussion & Wrap-up moderated by Chairman |
04:00 - 04:15 PM |
Rapporteur: Ms Mrinali Manohar, Ph.D. Scholar, Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi |
04:15 - 04:30 PM |
Technical session-2: 04:30 PM – 06:25 PM Trends in seed industry: Potential Drivers for profitable agriculture |
Chair: Dr S K Malhotra, Agriculture Commissioner, MoAF, Govt of India |
SNo |
Topic |
Proposed speaker |
Time |
1 |
Unlocking Gene Banks to Ensure Food and Nutrient Security and Environmental Stability |
Dr Kuldeep Singh, Director, ICAR- National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) |
04:30 - 04:55 PM |
2 |
Current demand scenario and new trends in fodder production-Opportunities for fodder seed industry |
Dr Vijay Yadav, Director, ICAR- Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute |
04:55–05:20PM |
3 |
Nano Biologicals-Emerging innovation in biological seed treatments |
Dr Alok Adhaleya, Senior Director, The Energy and Resources Institute |
05:20-05:45 PM |
4 |
Genomics and molecular marker-assisted selection based approaches for Vegetable crop improvement |
Dr TusarKanti Behera Ph.D. Fulbright, NAAS, ISGPB, HSI & ISVS Fellow, Professor & Principal Scientist, Division of Vegetable Science, ICAR-IARI |
05:45-06:10 PM |
Open discussion & Wrap-up moderated by Chairman |
06:10 – 06:25 PM |
Rapporteur: Ms Mrinali Manohar, Ph.D. Scholar, Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi |
Technical Programme (Day-2: 17.02.2020)
Technical session-3:10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Key enablers for the growth of seed business |
Chair: Dr VK Gaur, Chairman-Managing Director, National Seeds Corporation |
SNo |
Topic |
Proposed speaker |
Time |
1 |
Innovations and advances in Seed Quality evaluation systems- Recent advances |
Dr K. Keshavulu, Vice-President, International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) |
10:00 – 10:20 AM |
2 |
DNA-based markers to evaluate DUS criteria of plant varieties - prospects and challenges |
Dr. Elmar Weissmann, Senior Seed Sector Expert, Indo-German Cooperation on Seed Sector Development |
10:20 – 10:40 AM |
3 |
Streamlining seed exports and harmonization of global Plant quarantine systems |
Dr S C Dubey, Principle Scientist & Head, Plant Quarantine Division, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) |
10:40 -11:00 AM |
4 |
Use of Molecular Markers in Crop Breeding and Variety Identification Programs |
Dr PatrikStolt, Subject Matter Expert, Intertek |
11:00 – 11:20 AM |
Open discussion & Wrap-up moderated by Chairman |
11:20- 11:30 AM |
Rapporteur: Ms Sanjana Pathak, Ph.D. Scholar, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar |
11:30 – 11:45 AM |
Technical session-4: 11:45 AM – 02:00 PM Seed quality regulation and IPR regime in India |
Chair: Dr KV Prabhu, Chairperson, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority, Govt. of India Co-Chair:Dr D K Yadava, Assistant Director General (Seeds), ICAR |
SNo |
Topic |
Proposed speaker |
Time |
1 |
Benefit share mechanisms aligning with Breeder and Farmer rights under PPVFR Act-Challenges & prospects |
Dr KV Prabhu, Chairperson, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority, Govt. of India |
11:45 AM -12:10PM |
2 |
Global IPR& licensing regimes for Plant varieties and their component technologies &Traits. |
MrSimonThorstenWiebusch, Chief Operating Officer, Crop Science Division, BayerCropscience |
12:10 – 12:35 PM |
3 |
Impact of Biodiversity Act on Seed Industry |
Dr Narendran T, Technical Officer(IPR), NBA |
12:35 – 01:00 PM |
4 |
Seed Bill 2019: Provisions, Concerns and Challenges |
Mr RK Trivedi,Executive Director, National Seed Association of India |
01:00 – 01:25 PM |
5 |
IPR paradigms- Balancing private rights and public welfare: Case studies |
Mr. Tarak Dhurjati, Sr.Vice President, NSL |
01:25 - 01:50 PM |
6 |
Farmers Rights and protecting smallholder agriculture |
Dr Ravi Prakash, Registrar, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority (PPVFRA) |
01:50 – 02:10 PM |
Open discussion& Wrap-up moderated by Chairman |
02:10 – 02:15 PM |
Rapporteur: Ms Sanjana Pathak, Ph.D. Scholar, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar |
02:15 – 03:00 PM |
Technical session-5: 03:00 PM – 04:30 PM Panel Discussion CEO forum – Envisioning Indian seed industry in the next decade: Priorities for shaping an action agenda |
Chair: Shri S K Pattanayak, Director General, ASCI, Hyderabad/ Joint Secretary (Seeds), MoAF, Govt of India |
Panellists: |
1. Dr V.K. Gaur |
CMD, National Seeds Corporation (NSC) |
2. Mr. M. Prabhakar Rao |
CMD, Nuziveedu Seeds Limited |
3. Mr. G.V. Bhaskar Rao |
CMD, Kaveri Seeds Company Limited |
4. Mr Anil Bhandari |
MD, Maharastra State Seed Corporation Ltd |
5. Mr. Sameer Mulay |
CMD, Ajeet Seeds |
6. Dr BB Pattanaik |
Ex CMD, National Seeds Corporation (NSC) |
7. Mr Sonu Aggarwal |
CEO, Weather Risk Management |
8. Dr. K.V Subba Rao |
CEO, CortevaAgrisciences |
9. Dr DilipRajan |
MD, East West Seeds |
10. Dr Rajvir Rathi |
Bayer CropScience |
4:30 PM- 4:45 PM |
~Followed by Valedictory Session~