Giriraj Singh, the Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, spoke via video conference at a one-day national workshop on 'Cactus for Green Economy in Watershed Projects' in New Delhi on December 23 as part of a ground-breaking effort to advance the agricultural sector and solve ecological concerns.
Promoting Cactus Cultivation as a Solution for Degraded Lands
Union Minister Giriraj Singh urged workshop delegates to seize the opportunity and contribute to the creation of an ecosystem centered around the cactus plantation and their diverse economic uses. The workshop, organized by the Department of Land Resources (DoLR), focused on promoting cactus cultivation to enhance farmers' income and address ecological issues.
Ajay Tirkey, Secretary of DoLR, expressed gratitude to Minister Giriraj Singh for conceptualizing this innovative idea. He commended the efforts of the Watershed Division in successfully organizing the national workshop and suggested that states replicate similar workshops at the state level, involving all stakeholders in a timely manner.
Collaboration Between DoLR, ICAR, ICARDA & Rajasthan Govt
The workshop facilitated collaboration among experts, entrepreneurs, innovators, think-tanks, and government representatives. A significant outcome was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between DoLR, ICAR, ICARDA, and the State Government of Rajasthan on the promotion of spineless cactus cultivation and its economic usages under WDC-PMKSY 2.0.
The DoLR is implementing the Watershed Development Component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (WDC-PMKSY) to sustainably develop rainfed and degraded lands. Cactus, being a hardy plant species requiring minimal rainfall, is a prime candidate for restoring such lands. The department is exploring cactus cultivation for various purposes, including fuel, fertilizer, fodder, leather, and food, with the aim of enhancing farmers' incomes.
DoLR has issued guidelines for the ‘Promotion of Spineless Cactus Cultivation/Plantation in Watershed Projects under WDC-PMKSY’ and distributed them to all states and Union Territories. These guidelines emphasize the generation of bio-gas and other usages from cactus cultivation.
Diverse Economic Uses: Showcasing Cactus-based Products
The workshop shed light on the economic and ecological potential of cactus beyond fodder. It emphasized the need for awareness, publicity, and promotion, along with ensuring the availability of quality plantation material and marketing avenues.
The National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, exhibited various items like shoes, bags, jackets, and chappals made from cactus leather. Delegates were served cactus fruit juice and salad, showcasing the versatility of the plant.
With approximately 200 delegates from 15 state governments, industry representatives, and research organizations participating, the workshop aimed to collaborate and design a roadmap for promoting cactus cultivation in arid and semi-arid areas, along with the development of cactus-based industries.
The workshop emphasized a convergence approach to make cactus-based Compressed Bio-gas (CBG) plants commercially viable. State Governments suggested the effective convergence of MGNREGS scheme funds for large-scale cactus plantation, aligning with the government's policy on compulsory blending of CBG in natural gas.