NABARD Recruitment 2021: Good news for those who want to work with NABARD. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has issued a notification for the recruitment of Specialist Consultant in Cyber Security Manager, Project Manager -Water Resources Management, Project Manager - Climate Smart Agriculture/Soil and Land Management/Conservation Agriculture, Project Manager – Waste Management/Green Transportation/Green financing Departments.
According to NABARD, the recruitment of Specialist Consultant posts will be purely on contractual basis. Interested and eligible candidates will have to apply online through the application form provided on the official website of NABARD – www.nabard.org. The last date to submit application is 19 March 2021.
Before applying, candidates must read all the instructions properly and ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria for the post. NABARD would accept candidates on the basis of the information given in the online application along with fee and will verify their eligibility at the stage of interview or joining. If, at any stage, it is found that the information furnished in the online application is wrong or if candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post then his candidature would be cancelled.
NABARD recruitment 2021: Who can apply?
Candidates who wish to apply for NABARD Specialist Consultant Recruitment 2021 should have Bachelors Degree in relevant field / subject related to the department. Masters or PhD candidates in the relevant field or subject can also apply. Along with this, candidates should have related work experience.
For more details click - Nabard Vacancy Details
NABARD recruitment 2021: How to apply
In order to apply, the candidates will have to visit NABARD’s official website. Then click on career section and fill in the application form. Pay required fees and submit it.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development is an all India Apex Organization, which is completely owned by the Government of India and is equal opportunity employer.