The National Testing Agency (NTA) ICAR AIEEA 2019 Admit card will be released shortly today – 17th June, 2019. The ICAR AIEEA 2019 Admit card for entrance exam to various agricultural courses across the country will be available through online mode only. Applicants who have successfully registered for the entrance exam will be able to download their ICAR AIEEA 2019 Admit card from the official website of ICAR NTA - ntaicar.nic.in.
NTA ICAR AIEEA entrance exam will be held on 1st July 2019. Candidates were allowed to do the correction in the application till 14th June, 2019. The Hall ticket was earlier expected to be released on 5th June but later it was postponed to 17th June, 2019. Applicants can follow the steps given below to check and download the AIEEA 2019 Admit Card.
Steps to Download NTA ICAR AIEEA 2019:
Step 1 - Visit the official website of ICAR NTA - ntaicar.nic.in
Step 2 - Select the link which reads ICAR AIEEA 2019 Admit Card on the homepage
Step 3 - A new page will open where you will have to enter your application number & password

Step 4 - Click the ‘Submit’ button
Step 5 – Your ICAR AIEEA 2019 Admit Card will appear on the screen
Step 6 – Check & Download it for further use
Students who will be appearing for the exam must download and print a copy of their hall ticket or admit card for use in future. The ICAR AIEEA Admit Card 2019 will consist details like candidates’ name, exam centre, time, venue, date of birth, category etc. Candidates must see that all the details are mentioned properly in their admit card & in case of discrepancy the same must be reported to the concerned authority till 30th June, 2019.
AIEEA or All India Entrance Examination for Admission is being conducted for admission to Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) degree programs in Agriculture & allied science. The entrance exam is being conducted by National Testing Agency which is an independent, autonomous & self-sustained testing organization.
For more details, applicants can visit the official website of ICAR NTA.