Spirulina Algae which is green in colour produces naturally in water. In view of the properties of the Spirulina, the organizers developed the idea of a snack bar to serve the `Spirulina` in the farm of the chocolates and hemp to the health conscious consumers. In India also spirulina is coming as chavanprash, an ideal food supplement. Vestige Spirulina is the richest natural source of protein, iron, vitamins, minerals and pro-vitamin A. It is the best natural source of anti-oxidants with natural anti-ageing properties. Pro-vitamin A present in Vestige Spirulina helps protect eyesight. Spirulina, being the only vegetable source of B-12, calms your nerves and helps you fight stress.
Spirulina is a natural appetite suppressant, and it helps to improve the body's digestive system. It also has very powerful antioxidant properties and it helps to balance the body's pH, thereby reducing inflammation throughout the body in a safe and chemical-free way. Spirulina is the world's first superfood, and one of the most nutrient-rich foods on Earth. Spirulina is one of the oldest life forms on Earth. In fact, this blue-green microalgae is partly responsible for producing the oxygen in the planet's atmosphere that billions of years ago allowed the planet's originating life forms to develop.
In Italy Dutch-Italian startup based in Amsterdam, established in 2018 with the idea of developing a snack bar using dark chocolate and spirulina ideal for vegetarians, vegans and people intolerant to gluten and lactose. Spirulina is a powerful antioxidant and has a complete nutritional profile. It's a superfood and FAO considers it a sustainable food suitable to tackle world hunger. Spirulina means "small spiral" due to the shape of the algae.
Pierluigi Santoro initiated the idea together with Stefania Abbona, co-founder and CEO of The Algae Factory B.V. Spirulina is currently available in the market as a food supplement, so it can be found in tablet or powder form. We wanted to create something new and interesting by integrating this ingredient with more popular products such as chocolate and hemp (rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6. It contains 70 percent more protein than meat, it's rich in vitamins, mineral salts, Omega 3 and Omega 6 and also has 45 times the iron found in spinach, 35 times the beta carotene in carrots and 9 times the calcium in milk.

In view of this, Spirulina provides a wide range of health benefits almost immediately upon ingestion. It provides a near-instantaneous boost to one's energy, while helping to improve endurance and reduce fatigue. It helps improve the immune system, and provides exceptional support for the heart, liver, and kidneys. Spirulina is also a natural detoxifier, oxygenating the blood, and helping cleanse the body of toxins and other impurities that may be causing illnesses or other health complications. Spirulina has between 55 and 70 percent protein (more than beef, chicken, and soybeans), 8 essential and 10 non-essential amino acids, as well as high levels of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), beta-carotene, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, phosphorus, nucleic acids RNA & DNA, chlorophyll, and phycocyanin, a pigment-protein complex that is found only in blue-green algae.
Spirulina is a spiral-shaped microalgae that grows naturally in the wild in warm, fresh water lakes. Its deep blue-green color is what gives the water its greenish hue. Spirulina is also cultivated and harvested in man-made reservoirs like those used by Nutrex Hawaii, on the Kona coast of Hawaii.
This particular type of spirulina is the only one of its kind to be cultured in a BioSecure Zone that is free of pesticides, herbicides, and GMOs. Available in both powder and tablet forms, Nutrex Hawaii's 100 percent vegan Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica® is a unique, superior strain of Spirulina, with the highest known nutritional content in the world.

Spirulina is a safe and effective superfood that is highly digestible, with no side effects. It does, however, contain iodine, so those allergic or sensitive to iodine should avoid taking it.
In the Algae Factory, the Spirulina comes from Africa. It is cultivated in open-top tanks in Togo and Madagascar. Local producers have been collaborating for years with Antenna Foundation, a Swiss NGO with the objective of preventing child malnutrition. In addition to producing the snack bars, we also want to implement the ethical and social aspect of the project. For this reason, 50 percent of the Spirulina is used by the NGO for its humanitarian programmes. We are proud to be able to say that each bite helps African populations."
We are very careful about producing high-quality Spirulina, as we believe in this ingredient a lot. Spirulina is analysed by Antenna Foundation's French laboratories as well as by Algae Factory at the Wageningen University labs."
Energy bars weigh around 35 grams and contain flakes of dried Spirulina with approximately 3 grams of algae, a quantity that FAO deems suitable for daily consumption.
The product range includes one snack with Spirulina, raw 70 percent dark chocolate from Africa/South America or milk chocolate and hemp seeds from Puglia: the perfect combination between healthy and gourmet food.
Due to the increasing demand, we have recently introduced the 100 gram format.
We are also working with other algae to extract natural colouring for the food colouring industry. Our brand is starting to get recognised not only because of our snack bars, but also because we invest in research and events to promote alternative sources of protein.
Together with the Spanish ALGA TARIFA, we will develop Spirulina with even higher quality standards, thanks to high-tech tube systems. 70 percent of the turnover is made abroad, in Holland, Germany, the UK and France in particular. We sell a lot via e-commerce, mainly to England, France and Holland as they have a more developed superfood culture.