A silk agriculture fair is being held at Gorakhpur's Yogiraj Baba Gambhirnath Auditorium and will be inaugurated by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on March 30, according to an official announcement from the Chief Minister's Office (CMO).
The government, which is expanding various programmes, is also pushing silk production in order to quadruple farmers' income.
The government believes that farmers can earn twice as much money from silk production as they do from regular farming. This fair is being held to provide information on many elements of silk production as well as the government's incentive programmes.
Rakesh Sachan, Minister of the State Government's MSME Department, will attend the silk farm fair as a special guest.
Navneet Sehgal, Director of the ACS Sericulture Development Department, Sunil Kumar Verma, Special Secretary and Director of Sericulture, and Dr. NK Bhatia, Director of the Central Sericulture Research and Training Center Pampore (Jammu and Kashmir), will also be present.
Now, Uttar Pradesh contributes only 3% of total silk production in the country, but with government support, this percentage may rise to 15-20%. In Varanasi and Mubarakpur alone, the annual demand for silk thread is 3,000 MT. At the moment, Uttar Pradesh can meet only 1% of this demand.