Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) chairman, Anita Karwal has dismissed all the rumours declaring class 10, 12 results date. It has clarified that the board hasn’t fixed the result declaration date yet.
Anita Karwal also requested media house to stop speculating the result date. She stated all the officials have been strictly directed not to talk with media about the process of evaluation and said it was too early to announce the date.
She cleared that the media houses will be informed one day before Class 12, 10 results are announced. However, she hinted that the result declaration will be in the third week of May (anytime between May 12 to May 17), which may also change.
Students must check the official website on a regular basis to get the latest update on the result. Students are advised to check these sites: cbse.nic.in, cbseresults.nic.in after the result is announced.
According to CBSE notification, the marking scheme for this year is primarily based on creativity, accuracy and relevance of answers. Therefore, all the evaluators are instructed to abide by the new marking parameters.
It must be noted that more than 31 lakh students appeared for this year examination that concluded on April 4. There were 18.1 lakh, male candidates, and the number of female candidates to sit for the exam was 12.9 lakh.
Apps were introduced by the Board this year to monitor the process of examination. Interestingly, the exam centre locator (ECL) app was developed to help examinees reach the centre on time.
Another podcast app known as ‘CBSE-Shiksha Vani’ was also developed. It launched special training audios every week to monitor the evaluation process. Before the main exams, board took various measures to help students have a better conceptual understanding and overcome issues related to rote-learning.