Hi, NewsWrap for January 21, 2022

US Lawmaker Seek Litigation in WTO, Indian Fisheries Sector To Deploy More Scientific Production, IMD Predicts Heavy Rain Till 24 Jan,

21 January 2022

  • IMD Predicts Dense Fog & Heavy Rains in These States till January 24

    Rainfall is expected in various states until January 25, according to the India Meteorological Department, with severe fog in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh. The meteorological service has forecasted cold weather in the state of Uttar Pradesh over the next 24 hours. Rainfall and snowfall are extremely likely throughout Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand on the 22nd and 23rd of January, according to the IMD's daily meteorological update. It also predicted significant rain and snowfall on the 22nd and 23rd of January in Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, and Himachal Pradesh.

  • US Lawmaker Seek Litigation at World Trade Organization Against India on Wheat Subsidy

    Top American congressmen have encouraged President Joe Biden's administration to file a complaint with the World Trade Organization against India for subsidizing its wheat farmers by more than half the value of produce. The letters from members of Congress and the Senate have been welcomed by US Wheat Associates, which has been aggressively pressing for such a move by the government. "American commodity producers are operating at a clear disadvantage to their competitors, primarily from India, where the government is subsidizing more than half of the value of production for rice and wheat, instead of the 10% allowed under World Trade Organization (WTO) rules," a group of 28 members of the US Congress wrote in a letter.

  • Indian Fisheries Sector to Deploy More Scientific Methods of Production Says Parshottam Rupala

    According to Parshottam Rupala, Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairy, the fisheries sector needs to focus on domestic market consumption as well as exports, using more scientific ways of production. Realizing the sector's potential, the government has set a national goal of increasing fish production to 22 million metric tonnes by 2024-2025, which will benefit 28 million fishermen and fish farmers, as well as nearly twice that number along fish-related value chains, according to the minister, who spoke at an event organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry in collaboration with the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, National Fisheries Development Board.

  • Agrigator Expects to Register GMV of Rs 400 Cr in FY23

    Agrigator, an agricultural supply chain platform, said it intends to generate Rs400 crore in gross merchandise value in FY23, a fivefold increase over the current fiscal, capitalizing on the rising demand for Agri-product supply chains and automation across operations. The company offers complete Agri supply chain solutions, including a digital freight platform that connects grain shippers with independent truck carriers and online trading, as well as a marketplace that helps buyers and sellers trade while ensuring quality sourcing, on-demand logistics, and access to banks for financing. The platform also allows for price discovery in both logistics and commerce, as well as the automation of activities such as inventory planning, forecasting, and reordering, which helps clients reduce wastage and save money.

On the news

21 January 2022

That's it for for 21 January 2022