Hi, NewsWrap for May 23, 2024

23-May-2024: PAU, Climate Change, Domestic Vegetable Oil Production, FAO, More than Half of World's Mangrove Ecosystems at Risk

23 May 2024

  • PAU and IRRI to Join Forces for Advanced Rice Research and Innovation

    A high-profile delegation from Punjab, led by Dr. Satbir Singh Gosal, Vice-Chancellor of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, and K A P Sinha (IAS), Special Chief Secretary Punjab, visited the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) South Asia Regional Centre (ISARC) in Varanasi in a siginficant move to support agricultural research and innovation. During the visit, they engaged with Dr. Sudhanshu Singh, Director of ISARC, and other prominent scientists to discuss potential collaborations on new research initiatives, capacity building, and joint projects.

  • Climate Change's Impact on NTDs and Malaria Needs Acute Research: WHO

    The World Health Organization (WHO) Task Team on Climate Change, Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), and Malaria, in collaboration with Reaching the Last Mile (RLM), has published a comprehensive scoping review in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. The review, which analyzed 42,693 articles, indicates that the impacts of human-induced climate changes on malaria and NTDs are not yet fully understood.

  • Domestic Vegetable Oil Production Expected to Rise by 10-15%: Bhavna Shah, Deputy CEO, NK Proteins

    Bhavna Shah, Deputy CEO, NK Proteins Pvt Ltd made a presentation on the Indian Vegetable Oils Scenario at a prestigious event organised by UOB Kay Hian in Malaysia on May 20, 2024. In her presentation, she highlighted key facts about the Indian Vegetable Oil Industry. Here’s the key highlights from her presentation:

  • FAO Launches New Action Plan for Mainstreaming Biodiversity Across Agricultural Sectors

    On the occasion of the International Day for Biological Diversity, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched its updated action plan aimed at mainstreaming biodiversity throughout agricultural sectors and prepared to initiate several new biodiversity-related initiatives. Emphasizing this year's theme, “Be Part of the Plan,” FAO called on the global community to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, also known as The Biodiversity Plan, ratified in December 2022.

  • India Exports Over 45,000 Tonnes Onion After Lifting Ban

    India has successfully exported over 45,000 tonnes of onions since the recent lift on the ban of outbound shipments earlier this month. This move comes as a sigh of relief for farmers, particularly following the restrictions imposed to stabilize domestic onion supplies leading up to general elections.

  • More than Half of World's Mangrove Ecosystems at Risk of Collapse by 2050: IUCN

    On the International Day for Biodiversity, a landmark assessment by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has revealed alarming statistics about the health of mangrove ecosystems worldwide. For the first time, an ecosystem group has been evaluated entirely across the planet using the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems, a global standard for measuring ecosystem health

On the news

23 May 2024

That's it for for 23 May 2024