MoooFarm Farmer

MoooFarm Farmer

MoooFarm’s innovative approach of connecting farmers, consumers and retailers has been recognized by the Indian government through the ‘Start-up India’ program. MoooFarm provides a platform for farmers to connect with buyers at the point of sale, allowing them to sell their produce directly without any middlemen.

It calculates the cost and revenue of a farmer. It also sends reminders to farmers on when they need to buy cows, when they need to sell their cows, and when they need to breed them. The idea behind this app was to help farmers make better decisions about their business.

The app is created to help dairy farmers in the industry by providing an improved way of managing and tracking their herd. The app also helps dairy farmers in India, share ideas and learn from each other. The dairy management app is designed to address herd productivity and milk traceability.

A new innovation called data analytics is an effective way for small holder dairy farmers to boost their income and productivity. It provides a quick and easy solution that enables farmers to make more money from their milk.

In the future, cows will be able to stay healthy and productive by being tracked in the field. The timeline allows farmers to take informed decisions using data analytics such as health card, animal births, and milk production.

The use of applications on farms and in the industry is increasing & has a bunch of benefits. The information can now reach farmers through on demand content like high end e-learning video content and provide insights that were previously only available to those in the industry.

Farmers are able to stream videos on topics that interest them and have 24/7 access to dairy farm best practices. They can consult with experts in the field anytime and learn from their experiences.


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