

Crop production field can be optimized with the help of crop-specific information and data.

Crop production field can be optimized with the help of crop-specific information and data. Our vision is to create an integrated and supportive ecosystem for the agricultural industry.

The three main components will support you to make better informed field management decisions and optimize timing as well as optimal dosage.

Why to choose us?                   

  • Concept of Fertilization:

A good nutrient supply is the key to the growth and development of crops. A farm zone is an area where the soil is not fertile and where it needs extra nutrients to grow crops. The fields in this zone need special care, especially when they are going to be used for food/crop production.

  • Concept of Field Monitoring:

Manage all field zone related information in one central place with clear & concise system, providing data updates throughout the year, making it easier to manage your company's field zones and optimizing your report programs.

  • Concept of Crop Protection:

If you are using a crop protection product, you should be aware of the potential risks. These potential risks can be detected by your crop protection product and then treated accordingly. This can help you to avoid any damage to your crops and save money on the products that are currently out in the market.

  • Concept of New Seeding:

New seeding is a field-specific approach to save costs and achieve higher yields. It takes into account the specific needs of different areas such as agriculture, forestry, horticulture, etc. The idea behind the application is to make sure that the seedings that are done in one area will be replicated in other areas where they need it more. New seeding will also help in reducing water wastage by automating the process of seeding and replanting.

FIELD MANAGER is the world's largest search engine for field data. You've spent hours, days, or weeks trying to find a specific document or piece of information on your computer but when you're on the go and looking for something more than just a quick reference, FIELD MANAGER can help.

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