Rubber Kisan

Rubber Kisan

In the Indian farming scenario, there is a need to understand the farmers' needs and their concerns. The 'Rubber Kisan' app of the Indian Rubber Board aims to meet those needs.

'Rubber Kisan' app of the Indian Rubber Board is making rubber grower's lives comfortable and fruitful.

This App helps farmers to plan the monthly crop cycle based on growing season and climatic conditions. Following the routine will avoid losses, frost damage & increase winter seed quality in the rubber plant crops.

It helps to analyze the price of rubber in domestic and international markets, alerts on local weather, clones, planting, plant protection and such matters from the Rubber Board.

It also helps farmers in their day-to-day work. It helps them catch up with cultural practices and know more about their land. The app also helps them plan out their planting season and other farming activities, as well as get information on pests and diseases that may be present on their farms, so they can take appropriate measures to combat it.

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