M.R.K. Panneerselvam, Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare stated on Saturday that the State government will launch the State Agricultural Development Scheme this year with a total allocation of 71 crores to meet farmers' requirements and boost their income.
In his presentation of the Agriculture Budget to the Assembly, he stated that the project would be executed through the 'Kalaignar All Village Integrated Agriculture Development Programme,' which would have 15 important characteristics. One of these would be the promotion of organic farming, for which the government has initiated the establishment of the Nammazhwar Organic Farming Research Institute.
A Step Forward To promote Organic Products
Panneerslvam announced a ₹4 crore budget for the production of organic products in foodgrains, vegetables, and fruits for immune development. Farmers' groups interested in producing and selling organic inputs such as vermicompost and jeevamirtham would receive 1 lakh per group. This program will be expanded to include 100 such groups.
In a separate statement, the Minister stated that the Tamil Nadu Organic Farming Mission will be executed through a cluster-based method by the Horticulture Department.
Special Training & Exposure Visits
Each district will have two clusters of 50 hectares each. The total cost of the project is Rs. 30 crores. The Mission will raise awareness about cultivation practices through special training and exposure visits, provide information on soil health, provide advice on bio-fertilizer production units, and establish a residual analytical laboratory for testing produce registered with the Organic Certification Department.
The distribution of tarpaulin to protect crops is another aspect of the Agricultural Development Scheme. Tarpaulins would be provided to 60,000 farmers at 5 crores, according to the Minister.
The Farmer Producer Companies Management Centre, according to Panneerselvam, would be developed to assist farmer producer organizations.
In the center, the government will employ agri-business consultants, chartered accountants, and financial specialists. Farmers and farmer producer firms can contact the center at any time via Whatsapp to get answers to their questions.