Planning to set up your own Poultry Farm? In this article we will help you with the basic idea, guidelines and tips to start your Poultry Farm Business. No doubt poultry farming is a profitable business if done properly. Also there are many banks and financial institutions that provide loans for poultry farming.
In wider perspective, poultry farming means raising various types of domestic birds commercially for the purpose of meat, eggs and feather production.
Rules and Guidelines for starting Poultry Farm
Read the rules given below carefully before you start your poultry business;
1. Choose your Poultry Sector
In broader terms there are two types of poultry farming- Broilers and Layers. Broilers are chicken that are raised for meat whereas layers are chicken raised for egg.
So first you must decide which type to opt for and then there is a business of incubating eggs and raising chicks.
If you wish to do business in multiple sectors then you can choose from-
Meat Production
Egg Production
Poultry Feed Production
Chicken Breeding (Hatchery)
Egg and Meat Processing
2. Choose the Type of Bird
You can start small poultry farm by initially selecting two-three birds and later include more birds depending on business growth.
Mostly, poultry farmers raise birds like domestic fowl or chicken as broilers and duck, goose, quail, peacock, pigeon, turkey as layers.
3. Make your Farm Logo
Create a unique poultry farm logo for your business. While marketing, your logo should be everywhere on your farm products. Put your logo on visiting cards, websites etc.
4. Know your Market
Understand who is your local buyers? Will you sell to consumers directly from your farm? How will your consumers know where to find you? Will you sell to restaurants?
5. Write a Business Plan
After identifying your market make specific and measurable goals like how many broilers will you raise for your first run? What is the market size? What equipment will you need for them i.e fencing, housing, waterers and feeders?
Then decide your Capital. How much capital do you have? What will be the cost of construction of coop and chicks? Cost of the feed required. Take a note of medications or supplements as well.

6. Set Farm Location
Build your poultry farm a little away from the town so as to have cheap land and labor. Location must have all the necessary facilities. Don’t set the farm too far from the nearest town. Choose a town by keeping in mind your target consumers.
7. Growing Chicks
Buy day-old chicks and grow them to six weeks then sell them either as live or slaughtered birds. Keep in mind other factors like feed, medicine and facilities required.
8. Marketing your Product
Do easy marketing of your product to gain more profit. You can easily sell your products in your nearest local market. Use websites, visiting cards, advertisements, pamphlets for publicizing your products.
Profitable Advice for Poultry Farmers
First visit some farms practically and start raising in small-scale. After gaining sufficient knowledge about poultry raising go for large-scale commercial production. Always sell poultry dung in summer.
The returns in poultry farming are very promising. Poultry birds are changed every year to maintain high productivity.