Rabbit farming can be tried by anyone who wants more income with less investment. Rabbits are characterized by high yield, high immunity, low gestation period and low fat meat. Rabbit rearing is becoming more popular due to its low space availability and investment. Rabbits are easy to care for, from children to any age. The omega-3 fatty acids in rabbit reduce cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Apart from rabbit farming, you can also do pig farming, goat farming etc. to earn good income.
Rabbit meat can also be used without fear by those who cannot eat other meats. Rabbit breeding can lead to failure if scientific methods are not followed. Rearing rabbits is mainly for meat and skin. Three species of rabbits are mainly reared for meat. Soviet Chinchilla, Gray Giant, New Zealand White and Dutch. The diet of rabbits should include green leafy vegetables, carrots, cabbage, peas, spinach etc.
How to build Rabbit Cage ?
It is a good idea to take some precautions when building a rabbit hutch. The cage can be made of reeds or barbed wire. It should be well ventilated and free from reptiles. Unhygienic conditions of the cages can lead to diseases. The cage of breeding rabbits should be 90 cm long, 70 cm wide and 50 cm height. Fresh water should be available in the cage. In addition, the cage should be constructed in such a way that the excreta can easily go down.
Things to look out for when preparing a nest for rabbits
Water availability - Fresh water rabbits need more. The cages need water to wash and clean. The cage should be constructed in a place where water does not stagnate. Rabbits cage should be built in a safe place. The snake, the woodpecker and the dog are the enemies of the rabbit.
Climate - Cold weather is best for rabbits. High atmospheric humidity can make rabbits sick. In addition, the cage should have good facilities for feeding and watering.
Female and male rabbits should be kept in separate cages. Five rabbits should be reared in the ratio of one male rabbit. Male rabbits at 8 to 12 months of age and female rabbits at 6 to 8 months of age can be mated.
Mating and calving of rabbits
Mating can occur at 6-8 months of age. The female rabbit is mated in the male rabbit's cage. If the male rabbit is kept in the female rabbit's cage, the female rabbit who does not want to share the nest may attack the male rabbit and kill them.
Male rabbits can be used for mating 3-4 times per week. But do not mate with their babies. The gestation period of rabbits is 28 to 32 days after mating. If it is pregnant, we can start preparing the delivery room with grass from the 23rd day. A specially prepared box should be kept in the cage for delivery on the 28th day.
The cage should be made with a at the bottom so that it can fit in the cage and a wooden with one inch height on the sides. Rabbits make their bed with fur inside the box and give birth in it. Childbirth often takes place at night. Delivery will take place within half an hour. There are seven to ten babies in a litter. The mother rabbit licks the cubs, cleans them and breastfeeds them quickly. Babies do not have hair. Mother rabbits can breastfeed for up to 25 days. Breastfeeding is done at night and when there are no visitors. Mother rabbits tend to eat their young as soon as they are born. It should be more careful.
Diseases affecting rabbits
The chance of getting disease to the rabbit is very high. Some of these important diseases are described below.
1. Pasteurellosis
Symptoms include runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, pneumonia, and high body temperature. The disease is divided into three types, acute, chronic and persistent. Cubs are susceptible to have pasteurellosis. In this condition, the rabbits die without any obvious symptoms. Antibiotics and sulfa drugs are effective.
2. Coccidiosis
The disease mainly affects rabbits from 6 to 12 weeks of age. This foodborne disease affects the liver and intestines. The disease is caused by the bacterium Coccidia of the genus Protozoa. Sulfa drugs are effective.
3. Skin diseases
The most common skin disease in rabbits is meningitis, which is caused by insects such as Sarcopteas. The hair around the nose and on the sides of the ears will fall out and look like pimples. The disease can then spread to the genitals and nails. Applying benzylbenzoate lotion can help cure the disease. Infection will not be a problem if it is kept clean and treated as soon as the symptoms appear.