'Swachchta hi Sewa' campaign was inaugurated at 1 Pb R&V SQN NCC, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana. Dr. Nitin, NCC in-charge revealed that this campaign was started on 15 September and will conclude on October 2, 2018. During this period, various programmes will be carried out by the cadets like mass awareness rallies, nukkad nataks, cleaning of public places etc. As the cleanliness first starts from home, the cadets started the cleanliness drive from the premises of 1 Pb R&V SQN Unit followed by the Boys Hostel and the Girls Hostel.
The cadets also made the general public about the importance of cleanliness by developing different posters and displaying them at various places. The NCC cadets also helped Safai Employees who were working to clean the college surroundings and thanked them for their important work. The campaign was initiated under the guidance of Lt. Col. D.S. Dalal, Officer Commanding of the Unit along with the PI staff of the unit. He enlightened the cadets about the importance of cleanliness. They were told that as an educated youth, it becomes their moral responsibility to keep their surroundings clean and filth free which will further help in reducing pollution and disease outbreaks.