
CAU Regional Agri-Fair 2021

CAU REGIONAL Agri Fair 2020-21
CAU REGIONAL Agri Fair 2020-21

CAU REGIONAL Agri Fair 2020-21 will be organized by Directorate of extension education central agricultural university, imphal on March 8-10, 2021. The theme of this fair would be Agriculturally Vibrant & Self Reliant NEH Region.

The agri-fair will be a platform for meeting of all the stakeholders: Farmers- Innovators-Entrepreneurs- FPOs- NGOs- Investors-Traders- Academician– Researcher– Environmentalist– Bankers- Administrator- Extensionist-ICDS team (CDPOs, Supervisors, Anganwadi workers (AWWDs), Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM), Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)- Nutritionist- Public for convergency aimed at holistic growth of agri- allied sectors in North East Hill Region of India.

Attractions of Agri-Fair:

Subtheme- 1: Traditional wisdom of different plant varieties and their organic production, products to make the NEH Region self reliant

Discussion Topics:

  • Traditional varieties/ conservators/ chemical profiling, natural farming vis-à-vis new farming systems including organic agriculture of NE and their economic, and ecological significance.

  •  Medicinal plants and their production, processing and distillation.

  •  Marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants of NEH.

  •  Mobile based agri-information systems, smart agriculture and gadgets for mechanization in different agroclimatic zones.


Subtheme- 2: Economically vibrant and nutrition sensitive agriculture for nutritional security and value chain management

Discussion Topics:

  • Food atlas of NEH Region, Nutri-garden and Nutri-SMART village concept to combat malnutrition.

  • Entrepreneurship development on nutritionally fortified value-added agri-produce with northeast flavour.

  • Experiences of local entrepreneurs/FPOs in setting up of post-harvest management industries and value chain management in NEH region.

Subtheme- 3: Animal based livelihood opportunities including products for economically vibrant NEH region

Discussion Topics:

  • Biofloc/RAS technology as a means of “grow your own fish” in the NEH Region.

  • Aquaculture production system related to feed and seed issues.

  • Ornamental fish-based entrepreneurship development among the unemployed youth of the NEH Region.

  • Livestock production system of NEH region.

  • Value addition of animal- and fish- based food products of NEH region.

  • Marketing/packaging/ transportation of fishes and animals.

Subtheme- 4: Innovations on agri-allied sector machineries, tools,and devices including ITKs for agricultural management

Discussion Topics:

  • Innovative technologies for post-harvest management of agricultural produce of NEH region.

  • Fusion of Innovations/ITKs and modern agricultural in crop management practices.

  • Experiences of local entrepreneurs/FPOs in setting up of post-harvest management industries and value chain management in NEH region.

  • New agricultural laws and NEH agriculture for self-reliant and globally competitive.

Other Attractions of Agri Fair:

  • Farmers’ Science Congress for sharing farmer’s innovations (Oral and Poster Presentations by the progressive farmers for awards).

  • Workshop on ‘Biological control of insect-Pests of crops in north-east region of India’

  • Innovators- Investors- Traders Meet for commercialization of important farmer friendly technologies/products/innovations etc.

For stall booking, sponsorship options & other details, please contact:

Event Name: CAU Regional Agri-Fair 2021
March 8-10, 2021

Central Agricultural University

Lamphelpat, Imphal West,
Imphal, Manipur-795004, India

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