The straw management process starts with Ne The straw management process starts with, which can be used in combination with several implements for further processing of the crop-residue. The Straw Chopper can be attached to both the Combine Harvester and the Happy Seeder or alternatively to both the Shred Mulcher and the Happy Seederto leave the chopped straw on surface (mulching).To incorporate the straw into the soil post harvesting, a combination of Shredo Mulcher, MB Plough, Rotavator and Seed-Drill can be adopted.
The most beneficial method for farmers is to collect the straw for selling to biomass-based power plants by using Rotary Slasher followed by Rake and Baler. Alternatively, a combination of Straw Slasher, Rake, Baler, Rotavator and Seed Drill can be used to collect the residue on the field and prepare it for the next crop.
Shredo Mulcher cuts, shreds and mulches the crop stubble and loose straw left behind by the combine harvester. This helps save soil moisture, enhances the soil nutrients and adds organic matter, resulting in better future crop yields. After this, a Reversible Mould-Board (RMB) Plough penetrates deep in to the soil and inverts the cut slice, resulting in excellent incorporation of stubble, straw and weeds into the soil. The effects of this are faster decomposition and enhancement of soil organic matter, which improves root penetration, plant growth and yield for the next crop. Rotavator pulverises the soil after ploughing and prepares the seed bed.
A Happy Seeder enables direct seeding of wheat in the cut straw left by the combine harvester with its Chopper system, significantly reducing the farmer’s input cost and helping to preserve soil moisture and increase soil fertility.
New Holland’s RKG 129 gyro rake collects the crop residue in windrows for easy pick-up by a baler. This increases baler efficiency by 25% to 60% and New Holland’s market-leading BC5060 Square Baler makes consistently dense, well-shaped bales that are easy to handle. With over 700 balers in operation in the country, New Holland is leader in this segment and takes pride in preventing the burning of more than 1.2 million tonne of crop-residue each year.
The proper use of machinery can reduce the turnaround window to clear and re-cultivate the field, it can maximise yield outputs, while protecting nutrients in the field and reducing air pollution. The crop residue collected canbe used to feed animals, or to produce energy in bio mass plants representing an additional source of income for the farmer.
New Holland is industry leader in biomass collection for power generation by paddy straw and other crop-residues and cogeneration from cane trash in sugar mills. In just one paddy season, each New Holland baler can help produce electricity for around 900 rural homes for one year.