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KAU- ARS Mannuthy to introduce “ten headed” family farming tiller

Agricultural Research Station, Mannuthy of Kerala Agricultural University has developed a new multipurpose modified power tiller for family farming.

KJ Staff
Power Tiler

Agricultural Research Station, Mannuthy of Kerala Agricultural University has developed a new multipurpose modified power tiller for family farming.  

By using this “ten headed” agricultural machine, we can do three tasks at the same time. The rotavator attached with the power tiller can be used to prepare the floor for cultivation. There are two farrow discs for planting, covering and replacing the soil and it can rotate up to 60 degrees. The major advantage is this system can be converted into a basin opener, flip plough and bed former.

The depth of the pit is controlled by a hydraulic system. Fertilizer applicator is designed to regulate the fertilizer without damaging it. In the front part of the tiller, the power sprayer is attached used to spray the medicines. The elevator is used to sprinkle medicines for tall crops. The tiller can be positioned at one point and the required number of pits in three lines can be made at the same time. The de-suckering device can be used to pluck out the saplings.  

The machine is developed by a group of scientists headed by Dr A Latha, head of the Research Centre. “It has been designed as a versatile implement that can replace multiple machines,” said, Dr Latha. She said that the scheme is implemented with financial assistance from NABARD.  It costs Rs 4 lakh and can be made available commercially at Rs. 3 lakh. The machine will be presented to the nation in December as part of centenary celebrations of the Research Centre.  

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