Women have been identified as potential employees in the ornamental fisheries sector in several countries (Lee, 2005; Jayashankar 1998 and Bertram 1996). Many women in India, particularly in rural regions, have taken up ornamental fish farming or breeding as a profession (Sahoo et al. 2011). Women are encouraged to explore ornamental fish farming because it requires only a few simple techniques and minimal investment.
A backyard pond or a small place to set up some fish tanks can empower women in carrying out the operations while balancing household responsibilities and useful roles in society. Ornamental fish have a higher unit value than food fish. As a consequence, this sector provides an incredible opportunity for both rural and urban households to supplement their income. In India, almost all tank-bred ornamental fish come from small-scale or backyard breeding operations. These units, however, we're unable to produce ornamental fish species in demand on the worldwide market due to a lack of proper infrastructure and essential inputs such as appropriate feed, rising broodstock, etc. Ornamental fish trade is reliant on a reliable and sufficient supply of demand, which can only be achieved by mass breeding (Satam et al. 2018).
Culture system in the backyard
Culture tanks include cement cisterns, all-glass aquaria, earthen ponds, and even earthen pots. Cement cisterns are commonly used in the backyard or on the roof by urban and suburban landless farmers. A modest raising unit can get away with two or three cement cisterns (around 3m x 2m x 1m). For easier drainage, the cisterns are constructed above ground level. Because heaters and aerators can be used indoors, all-glass aquaria are recommended for breeding. Small earthen tanks can be used by farmers to raise juveniles with edible fish. For growing the larvae and juveniles, marginal farmers even employ enormous earthen pots with a 1.5m diameter.
Backyards culture
Backyard technologies are usually provided to them. Women's participation in aquaculture extension and training programs has not been prioritized (Acharya and Benneth, 1982). Women can also manage integrated farms such as floricum-cum-fish culture, duck-cum-fish culture, poultry-cum-fish culture, and so on, according to several case studies. Household ornamental fish culture involves relatively little room, talent, or time, and can improve the household's financial status.
Women empowerment via backyard ornamental
Women's empowerment may be the most important technique for improving their status. The most improved technique of empowering rural women and empowering them to escape poverty will be determined by local economic, cultural, and political situations. Rural women's empowerment can be significantly improved by enhancing their employment in income-generating activities such as aquaculture. Women recipients of the women empowerment program are given the necessary training and supplies for raising fish seed to produce fingerlings in backyard ponds as a part-time job to supplement their families' income.
Women as entrepreneurs can make a significant contribution to the nation's gross product. They aid in the creation of job opportunities for those women who are in need. They can impart in their children and other women a sense of financial independence. Overall, it raises the standard of living of women's groups, leading to increased self-esteem. Women are well-suited to this ornapreneurial path because of their intrinsic patience, but only if they are properly trained. Significant work is required to unlock the existing and latent ornapreneurial empowerment of people in this sector.
Acharya, M. and Bennett, L., 1982. Women and the Subsistence Sector: Economic Participation and Household Decision-making in Nepal (World Bank staff working papers No. 526). Washington, DC: World Bank.
Bertram, I. (1996). The aquarium fishery in the Cook Islands - Is there a need for management? Secretariat of the Pacific Community Live Reef Fish Information Bulletin 1: 10-12.
Ghosh, A., Mahapatra, B.K. and Datta, N.C., 2003. Ornamental fish farming-successful small scale aqua business in India. Aquaculture Asia, 8(3), pp.14-16.
Jayasankar, P., 1998. Ornamental fish culture and trade: current status and prospects. Fishing Chimes, 17(12), pp.9-13.
Lee, K.Y.K., 2005. Ornamental fish trade in Singapore, Paper presented in the conference on Ornamental fish export, 4 April 2005. MPEDA and INFOFISH.
Sahoo, P.K., Dash H.K., and Biswal. J. (2011). Promoting ornamental fish culture through women’s participation: Some insights.
https://genderaquafish.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/28- abstract 8affgaf2-prabathi-k-sahoo.pdf. Accessed 11 July 2015.
Sarma, D., Bhagawati, K., & Akhtar, M. S. Livelihood Security through Aquaculture in Assam.
Satam, S.B., Sawant, N.H., Ghughuskar, M.M., Sahastrabuddhe, V.D., Naik, V.V., Pagarkar, A.U., Chogale, N.D., Metar, S.Y., Shinde, K.M., Sadawarte, V.R. and Sawant, A.N., 2018. Ornamental fisheries: a new avenue to supplement farm income. Advanced Agricultural Research & Technology Journal, 2(2), pp.193-197.
Jham Lal1*, Devatii2 and Tameshwar2
1College of Fisheries, Lembucherra, Central Agricultural University, Imphal
*Corresponding Author:
Jham Lal
Email: [email protected]
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