During this time of home quarantine and lockdown due to COVID-19, visiting a saloon to meet your grooming needs is just not possible. However, this does not mean that we cannot stay groomed and look good while staying in our homes. Below are some remedies to help you improve your grooming game because we all know that “when we look our best, we feel our best”.
Home Remedies to Tackle Facial Hair
1.Lemon and Honey
This can be an alternate method to replace waxing. Start with mixing two tablespoons of sugar and lemon juice, and one tablespoon of honey. Heat the mixture for about three minutes and if required add water to make the mixture thinner.
Once the paste cools down, apply and spread the paste in the direction of hair growth. Then you ca use a cotton cloth or a waxing strip, and pull the hair out in a fast and smooth motion in the opposite direction of growth.
If you have dry skin this method can be really helpful for you as Honey is also a natural moisturizer.
2.Honey and Sugar
Honey and sugar are great mixtures and alternatives for professional creams to eliminate facial hair. Just make a paste of honey and sugar, apply the paste to the parts of your face with unwanted hair. Place a strip of cloth over the applied mixture and let it cool for a couple of seconds. Pull the strip in the opposite direction in which your hair is growing.

Sugar has natural healing properties, thus less redness and irritation.
3.Potato and Lentil
In order to prepare this vastly based mixture, just mix a tablespoon of honey, lemon juice each with five tablespoons of potato juice. Meanwhile, grind the overnight soaked lentils to a smooth paste. Add all the ingredients and apply the mixture for about 20 minutes. Once completely dry, wash it off.
In addition to hair removal, potato helps in bleaching the hair, making them less visible.
4.Lavender Oil and Tea Tree Oil
Well, this mixture helps in minimizing the hair growth. Add 5-6 drops of tea tree oil to one spoon of lavender oil. Mix it well and apply it on your face, at least twice a day for best results. It helps to reduce the unwanted hair growth and the continuation process removes the hair too.
Majority of the ingredients mentioned in above remedies can be easily found right in your kitchen. Methods are quite simple for the preparation and it does not compromise on the effectiveness.