Is it myth or reality? Tokyo, the Japanese capital shall be taking bath with the Yuzu, a lemon like Japanese citrus having distinctive refreshing aroma, as the fruit is known for centuries for its health providing properties of Vitamin C, A, Calcium and Citric Acid.
This seems to be a curious tradition, the Japanese practice of bathing with Yuzu on Winter Solstice –Saturday - 22 December 2018 – is said to help promote beauty, health and general well-being.
Each Winter Solstice, many baths around Japan will have these bright-yellow fruit bobbing around. Known as Yuzuyu, these baths are believed to strengthen against winter cold and flu, while enzymes from the oil of the peel are thought to help soften the skin and improve digestion.

Many Japanese also believe that the bright aroma can aid in calming and revitalizing the mind. The fact that Yuzu is a hardy tree has a role to play in this too, as many hope that this tough survival quality can be passed into the bath as well.
Yuzu is not only for eating or for cooking. In Japan, it is used in preparation for a special hot bath. It has a long tradition and believed to ward off winter colds and flu, and healing of chapped skin. The hot water helps to release a pleasant aroma from the Yuzu fruit. In fact, a part of the Yuzu’s oil component “Nomilin” gives a relaxation affect and provides better circulation on your body. As a result, using the Yuzu oil on the skin becomes very smooth after the bath. We also believed that taking a Yuzu bath brings you wealth and assurance of good health. We recommend not substituting Yuzu with other citrus products such as lemon or orange. It does not give the same aromatic and health affect as Yuzu.
The Yuzu has a history of over 1200 years. This fruit has its origins from China in the Yangtze River Region. The Yuzu was brought to Japan by way of the Korean peninsula. When the Yuzu was introduced to Japan, during the Nara Period (year 710), the Japanese farmers grew Yuzu fruits for 3 purposes i.e. culinary, hot bathing and medicinal.