BASAI, the Biological Agri Solutions Association of India has been launched at the BioAg World Congress today (20th Feb) in Hotel Le Meredian, New Delhi. The logo of BASAI was unveiled by Salil Singhal, Chairman and Managing Director of PI Industries Ltd. The launch speech was delivered by Roger Tripathi, the Founder and Chairman of Global Bio Ag Linkages and Bio AgInnovations.
The members of the association who worked for it including the prospective members are leading players in making bio-agriculture and bio-products a reality. At the launch of BASAI, it was quoted that, “As an association, it will not be company based but issue based.” The speaker stated that people who have ethical standards in the business must only be a part of this initiative. The members are very clear that companies should adhere to standards for ‘bio-products’ and not dupe farmers by mixing chemicals. The association shall take serious action in such cases.

It was mentioned that there are many stakeholders involved in the issue, it can be government, farming community or companies,and therefore standardization is an important thing which BASAI shall work towards. The founding Members of Adhoc Management Committee include Juzar K ( Biostadt) , Atul Churiwal ( K.R Group), Sandeepa Kanitkar ( Kan Biosys), BS Yadav ( Godrej), Anil Rohra ( UPL) , Sudhir B ( Independent Advisor, India) and Ram Roger ( Independent Advisor Global ).
Bio Ag World Congress is organized by BioAg Linkages, an event for the bio industry by the industry. The event from 18th to 20th Feb was conducted to explore the best ways in which the BioAg Industry can work together to develop safe and effective biological products for farmers and growers and address the common goal of quality products that help achieve an increase in yield to feed the ever-growing population.