The Bastar region of Chhattisgarh, once known for Naxalite violence and unrest, is experiencing a remarkable transformation. Previously a symbol of conflict, Bastar is now gaining global recognition for its cultivation of herbs and spices, bringing hope and prosperity to its farmers. Central to this change is Dr. Rajaram Tripathi, a dedicated scientist and farmer whose innovative work has placed Bastar on the world stage.
MDBP-16: A Breakthrough in Black Pepper Cultivation
Dr. Tripathi’s innovative efforts have led to the development of a new black pepper variety called “Maa Danteshwari Kali Mirch-16” (MDBP-16). This variety is notable for its exceptional adaptability to low rainfall areas and its ability to produce yields four times higher than the average. In addition to its impressive output, MDBP-16 is renowned for its superior quality. It has been recognized by the Indian Institute of Spices Research (IISR) in Kozhikode, Kerala, and registered by the Plant Variety Registrar of the Government of India. This achievement is particularly significant, as this is the only improved black pepper variety developed outside India’s southern states.
High Yield and Superior Quality with Minimal Water
MDBP-16 is especially advantageous for regions facing water scarcity. According to Dr. Tripathi, it took three decades of rigorous research to perfect this variety. It thrives by climbing trees such as Australian teak, teak, banyan, peepal, mango, mahua, and tamarind. This method not only enhances production but also improves the pepper’s quality, making it more competitive in the market. Remarkably, MDBP-16 delivers high yields even in dry areas with minimal care, making it a sustainable choice for farmers.
Bastar’s association with conflict is now being replaced by its reputation as a hub for spices and herbal products. Dr. Tripathi’s innovative cultivation techniques have already been adopted in 20 villages of Bastar and 16 states across India. With official recognition from government bodies, this new wave of farming is set to gain further momentum. Farmers in the region are witnessing increased incomes and a brighter future, proving that sustainable agriculture can drive significant socio-economic change.
Dr. Tripathi highlights the importance of revitalizing India’s spice and herbal production to restore its historic prominence. “India was once called ‘Sone ki Chidiya’ for its spices,” he says. “By focusing on innovative cultivation practices, we can reclaim our global identity.” His success serves as an inspiring example for farmers nationwide, demonstrating the transformative potential of innovation, hard work, and the right resources.
Driven by his dream of establishing Bastar as a ‘Global Spice Hub,’ Dr. Tripathi aspires to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi to seek further guidance and support. His vision is to make Bastar a symbol of agricultural excellence on both national and international platforms. With products like MDBP-16 and other herbal innovations, he aims to inspire farmers across the country and secure Bastar’s place in the global market.
The year 2025 brings new opportunities for the farmers of Bastar. The success of MDBP-16 is not just about a new variety of black pepper; it reflects the potential of innovation and self-reliance in agriculture.
With proper guidance and resources, farmers have the power to transform their lives and contribute to the nation’s agricultural progress. Bastar’s shift from conflict to prosperity showcases how dedication and innovation can drive positive change