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FSSAI Warns Against Sale of Human Milk in India

FSSAI issues a nationwide ban on the commercialization of human milk in India, aiming to curb online sales and ensure its sole use for infant nourishment in healthcare settings, amidst rising concerns over exploitation.

KJ Staff
FSSAI Warns Against Sale of Human Milk in India (This is a representative image which has been created with MidJourney)
FSSAI Warns Against Sale of Human Milk in India (This is a representative image which has been created with MidJourney)

India's Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) has issued a nationwide directive to halt the licensing and commercialization of human milk, signaling a stern stance against the burgeoning market for online sales of human breast milk.

The advisory, issued on May 24, unequivocally prohibits all activities related to the commercialization of human milk and its derivatives, stressing that such practices must cease immediately.

Stringent Enforcement Measures

Under FSSAI guidelines, the sale or any form of commercial transaction involving human milk is strictly forbidden, with its sole purpose limited to nourishing newborns or infants in healthcare settings. Violations of this directive will incur punitive action under the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006 and its associated regulations.

Rising Concerns Over Exploitation

The move comes amidst growing concerns over the emergence of companies profiting from the sale of human milk, often obtained from nursing mothers and marketed as dairy products. Some entities, purportedly licensed by FSSAI, have been found to trade powdered human milk sourced from economically disadvantaged women.

Advocacy for Regulatory Intervention

The Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) has long advocated for regulatory intervention against such practices. Dr. Arun Gupta, BPNI's central coordinator, stressed the urgency of legal action, emphasizing that market-driven commercialization of human milk is unacceptable.

FSSAI's directive, prompted by appeals from various registered societies, underscores its firm stance against the commercialization of human milk, signaling a crackdown on any related activities.

This proactive measure aligns with efforts to uphold the sanctity of human nutrition and safeguard public health interests.

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