Union Minister for Textiles, Giriraj Singh, inaugurated the Handloom Conclave – Manthan at the Dr. Ambedkar International Centre in New Delhi. He highlighted the need for the handloom sector to target premium niche markets by combining modernity with tradition, focusing on innovative designs and marketing strategies. He called for greater awareness of the sustainable and eco-friendly aspects of handloom products, emphasizing their potential in the booming e-commerce sector.
The Minister urged stakeholders to move away from traditional thinking and make handloom weaving self-sustainable through technological advancements. He also emphasized the importance of creating a global brand image for handloom products, especially as India’s e-commerce market is expected to grow to USD 325 billion by 2030. He stressed the significance of promoting natural dyeing, organic fibers, and the unique craftsmanship of handloom products to attract global consumers.
During the event, Giriraj Singh launched the Handloom Weavers E-Pehchaan portal and an online module for Handloom Awards, making it easier for artisans to access resources and gain recognition. He also announced plans for an award to encourage corporates, producer companies, and startups that create sustainable employment models for handloom weavers, ensuring fair wages and social security for at least 300 days a year.
Union Minister of State for External Affairs & Textiles, Pabitra Margherita, also spoke at the event, emphasizing that handloom products represent India’s cultural heritage. He stressed the importance of revitalizing the handloom sector, ensuring fair earnings for weavers, and attracting younger generations to the industry.
The conclave was designed to foster discussions with industry stakeholders about addressing challenges such as marketing opportunities and the declining interest of youth in handloom weaving. It included three technical sessions focusing on support for startups, strategies for handloom marketing, and engaging young weavers with modern approaches. Participants discussed the importance of targeting niche markets, improving packaging, and incorporating handloom weaving into formal education.
The government aims to rejuvenate the handloom sector, create sustainable livelihoods for artisans, and position Indian handloom products as premium global offerings.