Good Friday, which marks the anniversary of Jesus Christ's crucifixion, occurs during Holy Week. Thus, it is observed as a day of mourning, penance, and fasting by Christians. Good Friday will fall on April 7 in 2023. Christians formally honour the way Christ suffered and died for their sins every Friday before Easter, according to their beliefs. Christians frequently fasted or other self-imposed restrictions on this day to express their sorrow over Jesus' passing.
Here are some Good Friday Quotes and Wishes for your to send to all your near and dear ones:
Because He accepted us in Him, Jesus Christ bore all in silence. I'm hoping we can give him the same in return. God bless you on Good Friday.
May Jesus' sacrifice strengthen your soul and pave the way for your ultimate pleasure. I hope you have a holy day.
May Jesus continue to renew your courage and hope and utilize you as a conduit for the accomplishment of his mission. Be thankful that you are God's conduit for his purposes. God bless you on Good Friday.
What a wonderful Friday! Remember His sacrifice and the way the Cross was made. Abstinence and fasting will help test your consciousness. Enjoy a lovely day on this Good Friday.
I pray that you will always be blessed by our Savior and that you will offer him the highest honor in your heart. Have an auspicious Good Friday with your loved ones.
I'm sending you my best wishes for a day filled with goodwill, joy, and smiles with your loved ones on this blessed Good Friday.
I ask the Lord to keep you safe at all times and fill your life with unending love and joy. I hope you have a holy day!
The day of hope is Good Friday. Today is a day when we anticipate a better tomorrow. Although many events have altered the direction of our life, they have not caused our faith to be shaken.
May we begin by fasting and praying on this Good Friday in order to extend God's mercy and forgiveness to all of mankind.
I wish you nothing but the best on this holy Good Friday. May the Lord Jesus Christ be born again in our hearts, and may he constantly love and guard you.