New sanitary mats, when pressed with legs, can be sanitized too are among the new precautions to fight the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic. The Kerala State Coir Corporation has released new mats that are dipped in sanitizer as a new tool to contain the spread of the disease.
The Anti-COVID Health Plus mats were launched by the Minister for Finance and Coir, Thomas Issac, in Kochi. "Apart from the masks on your face which are used to fight the disease and the sanitizers for your hands and/or gloves, we thought it would be a good idea to sanitize your feet that you might have set through a contaminated area. Sanitizer mats can give you extra protection,” said N Padmakumar, Managing Director at KSCC.
At first, the Maps are dipped in a tray of sanitizer. These sanitizers are prepared according to the standards recommendations issued by the National Coir Research & Management Institute (NCRMI) and experts from the Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute for Medical Science & Technology.
“Using these mats, the chances of harmful microorganisms reaching houses through the foot or footwear will be eliminated. The product will be given as a kit consisting of Coir Mat, Tray, and Sanitising Solution,” says a note released by KSCC.

These mats can be used in houses and outside of offices. In houses, these pads can be used effectively as not many people visit home frequently. However, in offices, many people will keep their foot on it which will reduce the power of the mat. So frequent sanitizing of mats is very important.
Mats will be available at a price of Rs 200 and will come in different designs. The mats will be released in the market through Coircraft, distribution chain of the KSCC, and through Kudumbashree.
At first, the mats will be delivered to every panchayat, municipality, and related institutions. For trail around mats was delivered to 50 houses in the Asramam ward of Alappuzha municipality.