National Testing Agency or NTA is expected to release the Indian Council of Agricultural Research All India Entrance Examination for Admissions – ICAR AIEEA results 2019 for UG and PG courses this week. According to the official notice, ICAR AIEEA result 2019 will be declared on 17 July, 2019. Students who had appeared in the entrance exam can check the results at the official website of NTA ICAR - ntaicar.nic.in
As per the reports, as many as 2, 36,931 students had appeared for the undergraduate (UG) admissions, 31,486 for post graduate (PG) admissions & 8,374 for the Ph.D admissions. The exam was held on 1 July, 2019 in a single shift CBT. The answer key challenges have also been received by the agency and the results will be released shortly.
How and where to check ICAR Result 2019?
1. In order to check the ICAR AIEEA 2019 results, candidates will have to go to the official website ntaicar.nic.in. As the results can be released anytime, students are advised to keep an eye on the NTA website.

2. The link to assess the ICAR result, once released, will be activated on the home page of the portal ntaicar.nic.in. After that you will have to click on the link to go to the login window.
3. Now fill in your roll number along with password to check the results.
4. Your ICAR AIEEA 2019 result would be available on the screen.
Students must check the results properly and if they find any problem then the agency must be contacted at the earliest.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research is the apex body for 75 Agricultural Universities that comprises 64 State Agricultural, Horticultural, Veterinary and Fisheries Universities (SAUs), four ICAR-DUs, viz. IARI, NDRI, IVRI & CIFE, three Central Agricultural Universities (CAU, Imphal, Dr. RPCAU, Pusa and RLB CAU, Jhansi), four Central Universities (CUs) with Faculty of Agriculture (BHU, AMU, Viswa Bharati and Nagaland University).
Around 15,000 graduates, 11,000 post-graduates & 2,500 Ph.D seats are filled through ICAR AIEEA exams every year.