Altaf Aijaz Andrabi, Director Agriculture Kashmir, today appealed to the farmers of the valley to get them registered under Kisan Credit Card Scheme to avail benefits under it. Heightening the facilities being provided through this scheme, Altaf said that the scheme aims to provide hassle-free credit facilities for raising crops at an effective rate of interest at 4 per cent, subject to the terms and conditions if repaid within a year of borrowing.
According to the Greater Kashmir, the Director said that the scheme is designed to extend credit facilities for the purchase of quality inputs and its timely subsequent use for maximizing the production and productivity of sown crops for financial empowerment of farmers. He added that the scheme has been made mandatory for every farmer and no guarantee and no mortgage for KCC loan is required for up to Rs.1.6 lacs.
Director requested all the farmers to contact the nearby Chief Agriculture Officer, Zonal Agriculture Officer, Junior Agriculture Extension Officer, Agriculture Extension Assistants or any other field functionary of the respective district at an earliest.
Andrabi said that in case of any query farmers or growers are requested to feel free to contact any officer.

Official mobile number of the department are:
Altaf Aijaz Andrabi, Director Agriculture Kashmir 0194-2310675/ 9419008391/7889399102
Mohammad Iqbal Chowdhary, Joint Director Agriculture Kashmir (Extension) 9419104117
Amir ud Din Andrabi, Joint Director Agriculture Kashmir (Inputs) 9906662640
Dr. Syed Waseem Ahmad Shah, Deputy Director Agriculture (Central) Kashmir 9419309867
Arvind Kumar Baru Chief Agriculture Officer, Srinagar 9419195832
Mohd Qasim Ganie Chief Agriculture Officer, Pulwama 9419458960
Muzafer Hurra Chief Agriculture Officer, Kupwara 9622459771
Mohammad Yousuf Shah, Chief Agriculture Officer, Baramulla 9419063283
Gh. Mohammad Dhobi, Chief Agriculture Officer, Ganderbal 9697918511
Rafiq Ahmad Kukroo, Chief Agriculture Officer, Kulgam 9419032219
Farooq Ahmad Dandroo Chief Agriculture Officer, Bandipora 9419040056
Mohammad Iqbal Khan Chief Agriculture Officer, Anantnag 9419050568
Mohammad Syed Peer Chief Agriculture Officer, Shopian 7006950751
Mohammad ShafiKhar, Chief Agriculture Officer, Budgam 9858839577
Gh. Hassan Magray, Plant Protection Officer 9149602396
Wahid-ur-Rehman, Assistant Entomologist 7006922982