With the positive corona cases skyrocketing and climatic changes, India is going through a dark period. Even during such difficult times, our farmers are working tirelessly in their fields to feed the growing population in the country. The monsoon season is very important for the farmers. It is during the monsoon that the fields are irrigated and reservoirs are filled for irrigating crops during water scarcity. India receives around 70% of its annual rainfall during the monsoon season that also affects the yield of some important kharif crops like rice, pulses and oilseeds. Generally, farmers start sowing these crops with the arrival of monsoon rains in the month of June. The monsoon runs through months from June to September, the most crucial period. Krishi Jagran along with Helo App has launched the #Monsoon2020 campaign to encourage users to post videos as well as photos related to farmers, monsoon, and other farm related activities. This campaign is aimed at bringing awareness of the plight of farmers, to provide support, tips for better farming and overall development of Indian agriculture.
During this two-week campaign, Krishi Jagran would be posting different contents/articles on monsoon season, so stay tuned with us to know more about India's agriculture scenario.