Millions of Indians, though well fed, are starved for Nutrition. The average Indian homemaker does not have awareness of the importance of cooking nutritionally planned meals for the family, nor does she have the knowledge of the chronic diseases that can result from eating a nutritionally imbalanced diet over a long period of time.
Enlight life is an organization committed to introduce a range of Plant based wellness products that provide high nutritious supplements at an affordable price aimed to increase the overall wellness quotient of an individual by improving their metabolism and immunity. This in turn improves the resistance to common and complex disorders caused due to individual lifestyle.
Protein is an essential nutrient required for carrying out a variety of functions in our body. It acts as the building block of bones, muscles and forms enzymes, hormones and other biochemicals. Often, due to our fast paced life, an adequate amount of protein is not consumed, which leads to malnourishment. One of the most important functions of protein is supporting the immune system. For any protein to be produced in the body there should be availability of balanced amino acid contents, hence a quality source of protein is of very important.

AaproBean plant protein powder is a unique combination of high quality protein, vitamins and minerals isolated from Soy, Peas and Murungai. It is a completely plant based protein powder, fortified with vitamins A and D. AaproBean has a protein content of over 83% with PDCAAS* Score of 1. It is 100% plant protein and contains high content of Glutamine, which is responsible for building immunity and maintaining intestinal health. Also, it is 100% fat-free and gluten-free, with no added sugar.
(*PDCAAS is a method of evaluating the protein quality on the basis of amino acid requirements of humans and their ability to digest it. PDCAAS value of egg is 1 and is considered as whole protein nutrition-wise)
Ingredients of Aaprobean -
Soy Protein Isolate: Soy Protein is an excellent protein alternative for people who are allergic to milk protein. It contains all the essential amino acids required for human nutrition. The digestibility of soy proteins is comparable to that of meat, milk, fish and eggs. Soy protein isolate has been reported to lower cholesterol, triglycerides and promote weight loss. If you’re looking for a soy protein powder with added beneficial ingredients, AaproBean is the right choice.
Pea Extract: Pea protein is a "complete" protein, easily digested and highly bioavailable. It contains all the essential amino acids and is a great source of branched chain amino acids. Pea protein helps in building muscle mass. It also helps in weight loss by reducing calorie intake.
Murungai Leaf Extract: It is highly nutritious and packed with vitamins A, C, Manganese, Magnesium, Riboflavin, Calcium, Thiamine, Potassium and Iron. It contains various types of antioxidants which protects cells from damage and boosts the immune system. It is because of its high nutrition quotient and multiple health benefits that people opt for moringa protein powder.

Chia is the seed of the Salvia Hispanica plant, it is a natural source of Omega3 Fatty Acids. They are loaded with plenty of antioxidants, important nutrients, fiber, protein, manganese and calcium. Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid and has anti-inflammatory properties that body cannot make on its own. Hence, it must be consumed through diet.
Key Benefits of consuming Aaprobean + Chia together:
Improves Metabolism.
Builds + preserves strength and stamina.
Repairs daily wear and tear.
Provides immunity to withstand health issues
Improves cognitive skills
Written by ML Amarnath - Director, Enlightlife Science Pvt. Ltd.
To know more about the company and its products and to purchase online, please visit www.enlightlife.in