Hi, NewsWrap for December 09, 2022

09-December-2022: PM SVANidhi Scheme, Fish Farming, Cactus Plantation, Horticulture

9 December 2022

  • Govt. to Set up Kitchen Gardens in 20 Girls’ Residential Schools

    Chennai's integrated school education department will soon build kitchen gardens spread over 1,000 sq. ft each at 20 residential schools for girls in nine districts on a pilot scheme. By introducing diversity to the midday meal program, the plan, which would cost Rs 63 lakh to implement, aims to address the issue of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies among girl pupils. It will also offer the children a first-hand learning experience regarding nutrition. Weekly horticulture skill-development sessions will be held where students will study the theory and practice of kitchen gardening. Additionally, every school will have the tools, supplies, and seeds needed to grow plants.

  • Centre Extends PM SVANidhi Scheme Until December 2024

    The PM Street Vendor's AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) program has been extended by the central government till December 2024. In addition to the first and second loans of Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 20,000, respectively, the center has also launched a third credit of up to Rs. 50,000. The plan has a clause that allows it to expand the "SVANidhi Se Samriddhi" component to all plan beneficiaries across India. It is worth mentioning that 31.73 lakh street sellers have availed benefits of first part of loan worth Rs 10,000 as of November 30. On the other hand, around 5.81 lakh of them have availed the advantage of the second part of loan worth Rs 20,000. 6,926 street vendors have availed Rs 50,000 loan.

  • ‘Cactus Plantation and its Economic Usage,’ Discusses Giriraj Singh

    Giriraj Singh held a council meeting online with the representatives of various countries like Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Morocco, Tunisia, Italy, South Africa, who are engaged in Cactus plantation, to discuss the theme of  ‘Cactus Plantation and its Economic Usage’.  Apart from fourteen experts from the aforementioned countries, the virtual council was attended by respected dignitaries like Ambassador of Chile, Mr. Juan Angulo M; Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Morocco, Mr. Errachid Alaoui Mrani; Head of Energy Division, Embassy of Brazil, Mrs. Carolina Saito; Agricultural Attache, Embassy of Brazil, Mr. Angelo Mauricio, along with Indian Ambassadors of these countries.

  • Scope and Benefits of Starting Pomfret Fish Farming in India

    Pomfret is a type of fish that is native to the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It belongs to the Bramidae family and has a flattened, oval-shaped body with a silver or white color and a dark-colored back. The fish is typically around 12-20 inches in length and has a thin, sharp beak-like mouth with sharp teeth. Pomfret fish is a rich source of protein and essential nutrients such as vitamins B12 and D, as well as minerals like selenium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It is also low in calories and fat, making it a healthy option for individuals looking to maintain a balanced diet.

On the news

9 December 2022

That's it for for 9 December 2022