Grundfos has charted its path in support of the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goal (SDG) 6 as its key focus area, in order to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Aware of the given crisis, Grundfos India recognizes the power of integrated innovative water management solutions for everyday business and way of life. Through its association with this Summit, Grundfos India aims to inspire government, industry leaders and stakeholders to deploy intelligent, innovative and energy-efficient digital techniques.
Grundfos India, a global leader in advanced pump solutions and water technology, is the Gold sponsor of the 5th Water Innovation Summit 2019 organized by the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII). The two-day conference scheduled on 18 and 19, September 2019 in Delhi will include constructive discussions by industry experts on core issues pertinent for ensuring water availability and management.
As a panelist on the session on ‘Scalable community-led local initiatives’ Saravanan Panneer Selvam, General Manager, Grundfos India said, “Given India’s escalating water crisis, there is an urgent need to invest, build and adopt integrated and innovative water management solutions. It is necessary for us to also look at decentralized, community led solutions for sustainable water and wastewater management. This will be possible only through the close collaboration of technology providers, community leaders and the Government. The focus has to be on how to sustainably use, reuse, recharge and recycle water within communities. We also need to ensure that communities are equipped to address climate change as well – be it depleting water sources or flooding”.
Grundfos Pumps India Pvt. Ltd. (Grundfos India) a wholly-owned subsidiary of Grundfos Holdings was established on March 13, 1998. Grundfos India is responsible for sales of Grundfos products in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, and Nepal. Currently, Grundfos India has more than 360 employees and works with 200 distributors and dealers with 14 offices across India. Grundfos India provides energy-efficient pumps and smart pumping solutions for various applications – heating and hot water service systems, cooling and air-conditioning systems, industrial applications, pressure boosting and liquid transfer, groundwater supply, domestic water supply, sewage and wastewater, dosing, chlorination systems, disinfection systems and pumps running on renewable energy.