Aquatic gardens are a beautiful addition to any backyard or outdoor space. These gardens not only add aesthetic value but also help improve the overall environment. One way to enhance the look of an aquatic garden is by incorporating aquatic flowers. These flowers can add colour and texture to the garden and attract beneficial insects and pollinators. In this article, we will explore nine aquatic flowers that are perfect for your aqua garden. From the majestic lotus to the carnivorous pitcher plant, each flower has unique characteristics and requirements that make them ideal for different environments.
Swamp Lily- Crinum Asaiaticum, also known as poison bulb, giant crinum lily, or swamp lily is a plant species widely planted in many warmer regions as an ornamental plant. However, all parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested and can cause skin irritation when indicated to the sap. This plant is native to East Asia, tropical Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. It thrives in full to partial sunlight and grows in submerged, loamy, neutral to alkaline soil.
Lotus- Lotus or Nelumbo nucifera is colloquially known as water lily is a plant native to a range of South Asian countries, such as India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Australia. The lotus flower blooms in a variety of colours, including white, pink, yellow, red, lavender, and pink. The lotus plant is one of the most majestic-looking aquatic plants.
It is a tropical plant that needs at least 6 hours of sun per day. It is best to use soil that is suitable for pond plants as garden soil can cause tuber tot. The aquatic garden should be covered during winter to protect the plant from freezing and also only fertilize the plant during summer.
Amazon Sword Plant- The scientific name of Echinodorus grisebachii or Amazon Sword plant is an aquatic plant cultivated for and used in ponds and artificial aquatic habitats. It is native to South America, Cuba, and Central America. They have bushy foliage that makes them ideal for decorative fish ponds. Apply aquatic fertilizer to promote healthy growth and help the flowers bloom regularly.
Rain Lily- Zephyranthes or Rain Lily is a flowering plant native to the Western Hemisphere and is widely cultivated as ornamentals. Rain lily plants are suitable for planting on the edge of ponds, in sandy soil, or in average-rich garden soil. This plant thrives in full sun but can tolerate partial shade, especially in hot climates. They are best suited for warm and humid environments, plus they do not need to be fertilized.
Water Poppy- Hydrocleys nymphoides is also known as water poppy. It is an aquatic plant species and is native to South America, Central America, Puerto Rico, and Trinidad. This plant thrives in direct sunlight and requires shallowly submerged, loamy, and acidic to neutralise soil.
Marsh Marigold- Marsh Marigold or Caltha Palustris is a flowering plant that is native to North America. This plant thrives in rich acidic soil that does better in partial shade. They can also be submerged 4 to 5 inches deep in water. They don’t need to be fed fertilizer and go dormant after blooming. They also do not need any protection against the pest and also are not prone to pest infestation.
American Lotus- American lotus also known as Nelumbo lutea is a species of flowering plant that is native to North America. It is an emergent aquatic plant that grows in lakes and swamps. The aquatic flowers bloom in full sun during the summer.
Japanese Primrose- Japanese primrose or Primula spp. is a flowering plant that prefers moist soil with a slightly acidic soil pH. They also prefer a copious amount of organic matter. This plant tends to be fairly thirsty plants and requires regular watering. It also prefers a partial shade location where they can experience some morning sun but shade during the heat of the day.
Pitcher Plant- The pitcher plant is a carnivorous plant that likes to stay consistently moist and can be grown in ponds. It thrives in bright light and benefits greatly from added humidity. It grows best in high temperatures. This plant also doesn’t need any fertilizers and gains all of its nutrition from insects it traps and digests. It should be kept away from humans and pets as it can be mildly toxic if ingested.