Institute of Horticulture Technology established in 2009 is a premier Institute for conducting Educational & Research Programmes in Modern Horticulture and providing Residential Capacity Building Trainings for opening of numerous opportunities for career building in India and abroad. The Institute has Main Campus in Greater Noida, NCR, Delhi, India besides a Centre at Mandira, Kamrup, Assam.
With a Vision to develop institution of excellence in teaching, training, research and innovation in the field of horticulture and allied sectors to bring advance horticulture technologies for economic prosperity to agriculturist. The institute works to develop sustainable farming system for improving productivity. To fulfil the vision, the mission is Engaging Minds and Improving Lives through Excellence in Education and Capacity Building with an Unwavering Commitment to Food and Nutritional Security.
Institute of Horticulture technology is devoting it’s time to help and upgrade social livelihood of Farmers through collaborative projects, in-house R&D and capacity building.
Capacity building and development the of bio-resources entrepreneurs in horticultural crops such as dendrobium, cut flower, micro-irrigation, use of machinery and fertigation showed tangible impact.
Local markets showing interest in Manipur for buying Dendrobium from farmers.
Local people beneficiary farmers in Manipur has upgraded their livelihood through Dendrobium cultivation.
Endangered species of orchids shall be preserved as with hybrid Dendrobium cut flower production farmers have found good income generating option.
Indigenous varieties of fruits, vegetables and spices like Malbhog, birds eye chilli, sticky pumpkins are growing commercially by local people with modern technological inputs showcased in Technology Demonstration activities in farmers’ fields.
Identification of disease resistance in bird’s eye chili will help farmers from buying expensive pesticides.
The Institute is imparting higher education to inspire academic excellence and innovative research with social responsibility committed to pursuit of knowledge, wisdom and creativity for transforming higher education with respect of Diversity; Equity & Inclusion; Community Participation; Use of Technology, removing language barriers in teaching, learning and in academic planning and management; Emphasize Conceptual Understanding rather than rote learning and learning-for-exams; Unique Capabilities-recognizing, identifying in each student; Critical thinking and Creativity to encourage logical decision-making and innovations in research;.
Dr R S Kureel, Director of the Institute quoted Dr B R Ambedkar and highlighted that “Cultivation of Mind should be the ultimate Aim of the Human Existence” and Dr Kureel further quoted wisdom words of Benjamin Franklin that “ An Investment in Knowledge Pays the Best Interest”. Dr Kureel further assure the supporting National & International Institutions, Organizations, other stake holders and student that Institute has the traditions of achieving professional excellence with honesty. This is not only providing confidence to our supporting institutions but also infusing energy among student, energizing faculties and employees in creating new height and identity as well as increasing visibility in the academic arena.
The Institute has a multi-disciplined wi-fi campus located at Greater Noida an educational hub in NCR Delhi with well-furnished infrastructure such as faculty building, administrative block, academic & financial automation, Dean of studies, Dean Student Welfare, Registrar and Vice Chancellor’s cell, committee & conference rooms, computer labs, digital & smart classrooms with Video conferencing facilities, counseling & medical facilities, well equipped laboratories & experimental research fields. Library with e- learning and 24 hours e-connect environment, well-furnished Girls & Boys hostels, well equipped kitchen, mess and cafeteria, play grounds and indoor & outdoor recreation facilities, personality development & placement Cell etc. The Institute has its well-equipped satellite campus at Mandira, District Kamrup, Assam for carrying out innovative research and imparting practical training to the trainers and farmers.
The institute has its unique identity and created benchmark globally in the field of Horticultural Technology particularly protected cultivation of all kind of Horticultural and Agricultural crops by standardizing varieties of poly houses and hydroponic techniques. We have highly qualified team of professionals & experienced faculty in all gamut of Hort- agriculture and Social Sciences for carrying out innovative research and imparting trainer’s trainings to national and international experts & professionals as well as entrepreneurial.The academic programmes like advanced and specialized UG and PG programmes designed for producing best professionals & entrepreneurs in various disciplines of Horticulture by adopting a strong industry focused teaching programme with practical knowledge under the aegis of Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar; Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, T.N; Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India; Department of Scientific and Industrial Research & Department of Bio-Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
Based on my past academic experience as Vice Chancellor in Acharya N D University of Agri & Tech, Ayodhya, U.P; Dr B R Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, Indore, M.P; Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, I assure that we strive to groom our students to enable them to turn into excellent professionals and achievers. The basic aim of the Institute is to develop a future generationscientists, professionals, entrepreneurs yearning for global competitive excellence. We want to give wings to your dreams by offering educational excellence and innovative research that takes pride to our Nation. The institute has academic collaborations with world’s best academic and research institutions for academic and research exposure of students and scientists, besides, number of national and international conferences, seminars, workshops, training programme, exhibitions etc are organized by the Institute to provide variety of experiences and exposure to the students.
The Institute is providing scholarships for meritorious students and also job opportunities in various National & International programmes besides conducive environment for active participation and exposure of students with faculty and authorities in educational, research and extension & training programmes. I am confident that Institute will reach greater heights of excellence globally in near future and attract more students from other parts of the world. We are open to have new innovative ideas and creative thinking. I wish you all, a every success in your studies, career and future endeavors.
IHT has been recognized as Scientific and Industrial Research Organization- SIRO by DSIR, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. IHT undertakes a number of R&D and Technology demonstration projects in varied Agro climatic conditions of the country for horticulture crop production with modern technology and finding solutions to the problems faced by the farmers.
In one of the projects undertaken with partnership of Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development- IBSD, Imphal, Manipur the crop production module of dendrobium orchid standardized by IHT (in house) was demonstrated in farmers’ fields resulting in development of incubation centres in Manipur. In another project undertaken with partnership of the Institute, protected cultivation technology for vegetables was customized to suit an array of farming situations in Mizoram. IHT has also took initiative to identify varieties of Bird’s Eye Chilli grown in Mizoram and known for its Capsaicin content (0.589%) on the varietal resistance/ tolerance to local pests and diseases.
Other R&D project with the support of Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India on production and buy back of aromatic plants namely Patchouli, Citronella & Sugandmantri and macro propagation of banana cultivar Malbhog – a highly popular and high value banana has also been taken up by IHT.
In addition to the R&D Projects and Technology demonstration in farmers’ fields the capacity building trainings were structured and developed for different climatic regions of India. Farmers, extension offcials, students, present and prospective entrepreneurs availed the training in world class facilities in IHT.
Precision farming is another area of capacity building undertaken by IHT. The impact of precision farming on resource conservation, both natural as well as other inputs in the form of fertilizers and pesticides has helped in making farming sustainable and environment friendly. The Institute’s expertise in micro irrigation, fertigation and mulching in protected and open production systems has been appreciated and well received by the farmers, extension offcials and entrepreneurs alike.
The crop modules standardized in protected cultivation with growing medium soil or hydroponics will provide farmers ready model to adopt resulting in harnessing better returns from the protected crop production.
Under the able direction of Dr R S Kureel, the Institute of Horticulture Technology is on the verge of becoming an independent University of Horticulture and we shall be soon meeting Vice Chancellor Dr Kureel for futuristic agriculture through Horticulture.