Farmers beware! Paddy crop is almost ready for harvest but scientists of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) have alerted the Paddy Farmers.
There is a possibility of occurrence of blight disease in Paddy this season. This is a bacterial disease, the outbreak of which does not start simultaneously in the whole field but occurs in patches, which makes it difficult to identify it and start the treatment.
If there is sudden and severe yellowing, browning, spotting, withering, or dying of leaves, flowers, fruit, stems, or the entire plant then spray Camphor Hydroxide @ 1.25 kg per hectare mixed with 150 liters of water at an interval of 15 days.
Basmati Rice Advisory:
In this season, there is a lot of possibility of False Smut in Basmati Crop. Due to this disease, the grains of paddy swell in size. For its treatment, spray Blightox 50 @ 500 gm per acre as required in water and spray it 2-3 times at an interval of 10 days.
Advisory for Bajra, Maize:
Right now, most important for Bajra, Maize, Soyabean and Vegetables is to keep weeds away. Keep proper arrangement of drainage in all pulse crops, maize and vegetables.
Advisory for vegetable cultivation:
Farmers whose seedlings of tomato, green chilli, brinjal and early cauliflower are ready, should be planted on shallow beds (or bunds) keeping in view the weather with proper water drainage.
Crops That can be Sown Now:
Farmers can sow Sweet Corn (Madhuri, Win Orange) and Baby Corn (HM-4) in this season. Take proper arrangement of water drainage. For early sowing of mustard, arrange seeds of Pusa Mustard-28, Pusa Tarak etc., and prepare the fields.
In this season, farmers can sow crops like Radish (Pusa Chetki), Spinach (Pusa Bharti), Chaulai (Pusa Lal Chaulai, Pusa Kiran), etc. on high bunds. Sow from certified or improved seed.
In this season, farmers can sow carrots on the bunds. Seed rate will be 4.0 kg per acre. Before sowing, treat the seed with Captan @ 2 gm per kg seed. Make sure to add indigenous manure, potash, and phosphorus fertilizers to the field.