ASSOCHAM is organizing a Webinar on Severe Acute Malnutrition on August 12, 2021 to address the problem of Malnutrition in India. In reducing the risk of diseases, nutrition plays a key role. The lack of good nutrition or low-micronutrient diet results in malnutrition that is preventing child growth, brain and physical development.
What's the issue?
Malnutrition continues to be one of India’s major problems and is also the leading risk factor of death in children younger than 5 years accounting for 68.2% deaths, as per the Global Nutrition Report, 2020.
UNICEF predicts 3 lakhs children may die in India over the next six months due to reductions in routine health service coverage levels and an increase in child wasting, based on a recent report in Lancet research.
Malnutrition was still an epidemic in India, particularly for children, even before the pandemic struck. Covid-19 presents a danger of further slowing down decades of progress made in the area of decreasing malnutrition. An already poor health system is weakened by the burden of the pandemic. Disrupted routine public health program, food stocks struggle, loss of revenues has had adverse effects on the health of children and their already precarious nutritional state.
Purpose of Webinar:
The main purpose of webinar is to create nutritional awareness- educating the masses on the importance of basic nutrition and how it will help sustain good health, carrying out nutrition campaign to assess the nutritional status of the children and understanding proper nutrition interventions for SAM and MAM children.
It will also provide a platform for the industry and government to come together and discuss the current status of SAM in the country and ways to overcome it.
Note: An e-certificate will be provided to all the attendees after completion of the event.
For Other Details, Please Contact:
Event Name: Webinar on Severe Acute Malnutrition
Website: https://www.assocham.org/
Date: 12 August 2021
Address: 4th Floor, YMCA Cultural Centre and Library Building,
01, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi- 110001
Mobile: +91-1146550575
Email: nirupama.sharma@assocham.com
Registration Link: