Most of the vegetables, we purchase from the market contain toxic chemicals. Toxic chemicals are mainly used as pesticides, chemicals injected for faster growth and artificial colors for ‘fresh looking’. These toxic chemicals can cause many health hazards for the common man. Cancer, asthma, birth defects and mental retardation are just some of the consequences.
According to a study conducted by the Kerala Agricultural University, leafy vegetables contain the maximum toxins. In such a situation, it would be very useful for us to understand how can move these toxins from the vegetables. Let’s try these ways, by which we can get rid of these toxins:
Toxins from legumes can be removed by washing them well, soaking them for 15 minutes in the solution of 2 liters of water added with 40 ml of vinegar. Later, it can be washed in good clean water, drained & wrapped in a soft cloth, and stored in the fridge. Instead of vinegar, a mixture of 40gm tamarind along with some bran mixed in 2 liters of water, can also be used.
Leafy Vegetables
The leafy vegetables can be thoroughly washed in clean water and then soaked in the tamarind-bran solution for 15 minutes.
Cucumber and bitter gourd are the vegetables in the cucumber family which contain the maximum toxic chemicals. These vegetables can be scrubbed with a fine brush in clean water, soaked in vinegar solution for 15 minutes before keeping it in the fridge.
Tuber vegetables
Tuber vegetables like tapioca, and elephant yam should also be thoroughly washed and cleaned before keeping them in the refrigerator. By peeling the tubers during cooking, the toxins are completely eliminated.
Cabbage, Cauliflower
In winter vegetables like cabbage and cauliflower, the outer leaves are removed, rinsed thoroughly in clean water, and soaked in vinegar solution for 15 minutes.
Carrots, beets, and radish are low in toxins. Rinse well in clean water, peel and again wash several times in clean water before placing them in a perforated container. After at least 12 hours, transfer to a cloth bag and keep in the fridge.