Although used interchangeably, signs and symptoms have very different meanings in medicine. While signs refer to the effects of a health problem that can be observed by a third party, symptoms refer to all subjective pieces of evidence of disease. They can only be perceived by the patient themselves.
We all have good days and bad days. There are some days when we wake up to peculiar aches and pains and other days when we feel normal. However, when certain symptoms do not respond to typical home remedies and cannot be easily explained, then they could be a signifier of a serious underlying condition.
Let’s take a look at health symptoms which should not be ignored.
Sudden change in bowel movements- Most people follow a consistent bowel movement pattern. Therefore, it is easy to know that your pattern has changed. Changes such as persistent constipation or ongoing diarrhea without making any significant changes to your diet could be a sign of a serious illness. In people over the age of 45, these sudden changes could be indicative of colon cancer. Having a hard time relieving yourself could also be a sign of hemorrhoids.
Rapid weight loss- Losing a few kilograms here and there is everybody’s dream. However, randomly and rapidly losing weight without adopting a new diet or participating in a new exercise program could be a sign of a serious infection or disease. It can also be a sign of a mental disorder.
3. Constant discomfort in the upper body- Studies show that heart attack is not as unexpected as a cardiac arrest and people experience several issues leading up to it. Many describe feeling an unexpected pressure or pain in the center of their chest, experiencing nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, and jaw or back pain. Therefore, it is best to not ignore such symptoms, especially when you suffer from issues like diabetes, hypertension, or suffer from other cardiovascular problems.
4. Nausea, indigestion, stomach pain, or heartburn- Women are more likely to experience nausea, stomach pain, indigestion, or heartburn during a heart attack. While it is true that many of these symptoms could be indicative of gastrointestinal issues, however, it is best to consult a doctor if you are at risk of health problems.
5. Blood in urine- For women and girls, blood in urine is very common during menstruation. Other than periods, when men and women notice blood in their urine, then that is a sign of hematuria, which can be caused by a bladder or kidney stone, kidney infection, enlarged prostate, kidney disease, and urinary tract infection.
6.Slurred speech, weak arms, and facial drooping- Slurred speech, weak arms, and facial drooping are common signs of a stroke. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is reduced or interrupted, causing the brain cells to die because of a lack of oxygen and nutrients. Other symptoms include losing your balance while walking, persistent headaches, having trouble understanding what other people are saying, and problems seeing out of one or both eyes.
7. Sudden and severe abdominal pain- Sudden, severe, and recurring abdominal pain is associated with gallbladder inflammation, appendicitis, kidney stones, pancreatitis, and other medical issues that require urgent medical attention.
8. Swelling or pain in one or both legs- If you experience sudden swelling or pain in just one leg which is also accompanied by confusion, difficulty in breathing, and chest pain, then visit a doctor immediately as it could be a symptom of a heart condition or a blood clot. On the other hand, gradual swelling of one or both legs also warrants a doctor’s visit as it is a common symptom of heart failure, kidney problems, poor circulation, drug side effects, arthritis, and pregnancy.